- Mar 31, 2003
- 2,070
- -8
- 38
Well, I'm posting this on both the MD and Dungeon forums, for no other reason than just letting it out how fucking amazing my weekend was.
Headed over to Melb from Adel at about 8:30 Thursday night and got in just before 7 Friday morning. Me and my girlfriend made it out to her uncle's place where we were staying and promptly crashed for the day. Got woken up by Trixxi Trash telling me to go to the strippers that night, and so that night we headed to the strippers. Nice fun night, got to meet Trixxi and Connie Fixx and see them in their prime (they really do get treated like V.I.P's) and then headed home at midnight so as not to have too much of a hangover, because the big night was Sat'dy.
Saturday came, we woke up at 10am, got ready, made our cardboard guitars and headed into town at 12. At 12:30 we got to Cranbourne music for the 'Deth signing and there was already a fair queue. So Beth (my girlfriend) ran down to the shop to buy a disposable camera while I waited in line. One and a half hours later the queue was quadrupled in size and the line had started to move. The line didn't get much past us before Megadeth had to head to the venue, so we were lucky we got there as early as we did. Nicest guys in the world, especially the Drover brothers, very outgoing. Complimented me by saying I looked like Jeff Waters, and then Dave Mustaine let me have a pic with him.
Walked outside on a massive high, completely pumped and saw the Dungeon boys standing just outside so we went up and said hi. Well actually, I made a fool of myself by posing the same way as I did in a photo I had sent to LT for the Dungeon cover gig. Massively nice guys to the maxx.
On an even higher high, we then walked up to Hungry Jacks and had some lunch and headed straight to the gig to line up. Saw the Dungeon boys arrive (even offered to help them bring their equip in) and LT was wearing a Limozeen shirt. Instant jealousy. Best. Shirt. Ever. Then the next long wait came... 4 hours in line, but we were right up the front and we had a couple of excited dudes entertaining us for the whole time, so it seemed to fly by.
Finally, the doors open, we head straight for the front and wait for Dungeon. Iron Maiden and AC/DC are basically the bands playing until the boys hit the stage and then BOOM. What a show. So much fun, and the speed was phenomenal. I couldn't help but get into it hard. Right in front of Glen for most of the show (so that meant big bass action and not much vocals or leads) but it didn't dampen the experience a bit. REALLY good crowd person and got everyone into it. I only knew three songs (from the DVD) but the crowd interaction was great, so I learned at least one part to sing along to with each song and that was killer. Brilliant show.
Then the boys left the stage and we waited around for another while until Megadeth finally came on. wow.
Seriously, that was a phenomenal show... Glen Drover is now easily one of my favourite guitarists. Very unique playing style and so effortless and passionate. I was so glad to be in front of him for most of the show. Setlist was amazing... I couldn't have asked for a better one. Especially the Holy Wars/Train of Consequences/Mechanix medley. I read a setlist online that didn't have Train and was disappointed cos that's my air guitar riff, but then they kicked into it and I shat my pants.
Only problem was the rock star crowd surfers... the ones that just go over wanting to feel like a rock star and they expect high fives from the people they've just kicked in the head as if we were impressed by them. Then one of those big crowd surges started and someone fell over... I was already pushed up on my tippy toes and when this guy fell over... massive surge and I was half over the barrier, almost crushed. Managed to get myself down a little and then BOOM crushed again, this time with my finger almost broken, so I had to rip it out causing a minor injury. Just as I was pulling myself back down a crowd surfer came over and completely destroyed my stomach, so I had to get pulled out... Beth came out just after and I finished my fastest ever bottle of water.
Then we went upstairs and watched the rest of the show from up there which was great because the sound was better, and the show was still just as amazing (and a lot more comfortable!)
The bus ride home was a bit of a bummer as this middle eastern family were right in front of us who didn't seem to know about volume control. There we were trying to sleep when the kid in front of us has his Nelly and Usher and all that shit going... with SPEAKERS. On a fucking bus. The his loud ass phone rings and he decides to let everyone know what he was saying:
"Man you should be on this trip. It's awesome, I got these seats to myself, got my music going hard and it's awesome!"
But revenge was sweet when he decided he wanted to sleep and the bus stopped suddenly with him falling straight out of the seat and onto the floor with a loud thud. Hilarious. Even his mum was laughing at him. Nothing was more satisfying than his whining voice saying: "What are you laughing at?"
But yeah, the most amazing weekend. And if you actually read through all of that, then rokkin'
Cos I enjoyed typing it. I'm still buzzing after it.
Also, to Trixx... sorry I didn't make it to Back in the Day, but we had a ride home at 12:30 and the bus was at 8, and we couldn't afford a taxi, but cheers for the invite duder \m/
Headed over to Melb from Adel at about 8:30 Thursday night and got in just before 7 Friday morning. Me and my girlfriend made it out to her uncle's place where we were staying and promptly crashed for the day. Got woken up by Trixxi Trash telling me to go to the strippers that night, and so that night we headed to the strippers. Nice fun night, got to meet Trixxi and Connie Fixx and see them in their prime (they really do get treated like V.I.P's) and then headed home at midnight so as not to have too much of a hangover, because the big night was Sat'dy.
Saturday came, we woke up at 10am, got ready, made our cardboard guitars and headed into town at 12. At 12:30 we got to Cranbourne music for the 'Deth signing and there was already a fair queue. So Beth (my girlfriend) ran down to the shop to buy a disposable camera while I waited in line. One and a half hours later the queue was quadrupled in size and the line had started to move. The line didn't get much past us before Megadeth had to head to the venue, so we were lucky we got there as early as we did. Nicest guys in the world, especially the Drover brothers, very outgoing. Complimented me by saying I looked like Jeff Waters, and then Dave Mustaine let me have a pic with him.
Walked outside on a massive high, completely pumped and saw the Dungeon boys standing just outside so we went up and said hi. Well actually, I made a fool of myself by posing the same way as I did in a photo I had sent to LT for the Dungeon cover gig. Massively nice guys to the maxx.
On an even higher high, we then walked up to Hungry Jacks and had some lunch and headed straight to the gig to line up. Saw the Dungeon boys arrive (even offered to help them bring their equip in) and LT was wearing a Limozeen shirt. Instant jealousy. Best. Shirt. Ever. Then the next long wait came... 4 hours in line, but we were right up the front and we had a couple of excited dudes entertaining us for the whole time, so it seemed to fly by.
Finally, the doors open, we head straight for the front and wait for Dungeon. Iron Maiden and AC/DC are basically the bands playing until the boys hit the stage and then BOOM. What a show. So much fun, and the speed was phenomenal. I couldn't help but get into it hard. Right in front of Glen for most of the show (so that meant big bass action and not much vocals or leads) but it didn't dampen the experience a bit. REALLY good crowd person and got everyone into it. I only knew three songs (from the DVD) but the crowd interaction was great, so I learned at least one part to sing along to with each song and that was killer. Brilliant show.
Then the boys left the stage and we waited around for another while until Megadeth finally came on. wow.
Seriously, that was a phenomenal show... Glen Drover is now easily one of my favourite guitarists. Very unique playing style and so effortless and passionate. I was so glad to be in front of him for most of the show. Setlist was amazing... I couldn't have asked for a better one. Especially the Holy Wars/Train of Consequences/Mechanix medley. I read a setlist online that didn't have Train and was disappointed cos that's my air guitar riff, but then they kicked into it and I shat my pants.
Only problem was the rock star crowd surfers... the ones that just go over wanting to feel like a rock star and they expect high fives from the people they've just kicked in the head as if we were impressed by them. Then one of those big crowd surges started and someone fell over... I was already pushed up on my tippy toes and when this guy fell over... massive surge and I was half over the barrier, almost crushed. Managed to get myself down a little and then BOOM crushed again, this time with my finger almost broken, so I had to rip it out causing a minor injury. Just as I was pulling myself back down a crowd surfer came over and completely destroyed my stomach, so I had to get pulled out... Beth came out just after and I finished my fastest ever bottle of water.
Then we went upstairs and watched the rest of the show from up there which was great because the sound was better, and the show was still just as amazing (and a lot more comfortable!)
The bus ride home was a bit of a bummer as this middle eastern family were right in front of us who didn't seem to know about volume control. There we were trying to sleep when the kid in front of us has his Nelly and Usher and all that shit going... with SPEAKERS. On a fucking bus. The his loud ass phone rings and he decides to let everyone know what he was saying:
"Man you should be on this trip. It's awesome, I got these seats to myself, got my music going hard and it's awesome!"
But revenge was sweet when he decided he wanted to sleep and the bus stopped suddenly with him falling straight out of the seat and onto the floor with a loud thud. Hilarious. Even his mum was laughing at him. Nothing was more satisfying than his whining voice saying: "What are you laughing at?"
But yeah, the most amazing weekend. And if you actually read through all of that, then rokkin'

Also, to Trixx... sorry I didn't make it to Back in the Day, but we had a ride home at 12:30 and the bus was at 8, and we couldn't afford a taxi, but cheers for the invite duder \m/