my voice...


Apr 22, 2002
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I have been told I have an awsome singing voice...but Im always sick and have no power behind my voice, and I also am trying to learn metal sounds with my voice. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to improve any of these situations?:confused: If so I would greatly appreciate any help I can get...:rock:
I get tonsilitis a lot - it's not the best idea to sing while it's still really sore as you can damage your voice. It helps to eat throaties before singing or get some of that throat spray stuff
Take some voice lessons. Learn some breathing/focusing techniques, and remember to use them. You can get a decent voice by just singing a lot (any practice will make you stronger, as long as you don't push your limits too far), but lessons will get you there faster and you won't develop bad habits.
As a person who believes and Holistic and medicinal theropy, and as a singer myselfI would suggest, even though you may think it girlie, drinking tea. Drink a glass 1/2 an hour before you perform with lemon in it.. it will ehlp physicaly warm your throat up and drink a cup with honey and lemon in it after your done performing. The honey will help sooth the vocal chords.
Another tip that most perfessional singers swear by is excerise. Running or fast pace walking to day of your performance, will warm up your body on thw whole.
Other then that I suggest (when your not sick) to try either basic vocal training or a more intense vocal training. Either one will help condition your voice for long performances and will show you how you can still sing when your thoat is soar and not do any damage to the vocal chords.

Good luck :)
As a singer, I find it almost impossible to figure out a way to keep my voice consistent. Some days it's just what I'd like it to be, and others it's total shit. Nothing I have tried has really worked. I just try not to sing if possible on the days that my voice sucks ass. I think I'll look over some of your suggestions and see if maybe they work.
thanks to all who have posted suggestions. Its really appreciated. chileanmetal - thanks for pointing that out to me...I didnt even notice that I hadnt put the 'from' part in there.... ;) good looking out :)) rock out ya'll !!!!