Mystery Show Revealed (SOLD-OUT)

Okay, thanks everyone. My card was charged but still haven't seen the tickets, so I suppose I will have to check with ticketalternative. As if I need something else to worry about :lol:
Sheesh Sh0kr0k, I'd be panicing too, I think.

By the way, I know you from Livejournal. "joansies" here. But you never update! And I think I might just buy a rename token...

Anywhosit! Yay John Oliva! (as an attempt to get back on topic. heh)
Got mine in the mail last wednesday with a nice little "ticket refrigerator magnet" holding thingy, how come ticketbastard has never sent me any gifts?!?!
Okay, thanks everyone. My card was charged but still haven't seen the tickets, so I suppose I will have to check with ticketalternative. As if I need something else to worry about :lol:

No worries Tammy - first I'd give it another couple of days, but if they don't arrive by, say, Wednesday, just give Ticket Alternative a call. You have the proof that you paid for the tickets and I'm quite certain they could send you replacements or leave replacements at will call for you.

These companies (even the dreaded Ticketmaster) are generally pretty good about helping you out with misplaced tickets.

Mine got here also.....with the fridge magnet holder doohickey.

Just in time, too, since the previous TicketAlternative fridge magnet holder doohickey went missing after I plucked my Rush tickets from it last week.