
Me and some friends looking really really really happy :p Found a kinda grim looking effect on my phone camera, made use of it :lol:

EDIT: Oh, but this thread is still inferior to The Bringer shoop thread

That was before both of our times, and it is LOOONG dead, there are no more edits to be made :lol: It's been done over and over, besides this isn't an edit thread :lol: Edit Threads > Any thread, in terms of lulz. This thread had good lulz too but it's not the SOLE purpose, it's also to show how trve and kvlt we all are.

So, NEKRO PICS THREAD > Any other recent thread imo.

(Not just saying that because I made it)

P.S. I have old corpsepaint lying around... Maybe I'll use some tonight and post some pics :lol: Depends on my level or boredom.