NAD hasn't done a Life Choice thread in some time.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I guess it's fashionable these days, which is good, because all of you are human, and honestly whilst I've been an atheist for 30 years I do (perhaps) believe that we keep returning to RC for a reason. Not in any religious or spiritual sense of course (that might be gay), but indeed, I have rarely stumbled upon such a bright group of individuals, bright folk as dim as me perhaps, but I digress...

So the last few months have proven to be a whirlwind of stupidity in my life. No, not for me, but merely by observance of vaguely outside happenstance. I just recently unleashed some longterm shackles that I have of course written about here, but the recent culmination of foolishness runs in the following band breakup as so:

Guitarist stopped paying his mortgage about a year ago. Drummer lived with him for a few years at that point, and continued to pay rent. One day EVICTION NOTICE ARRIVES and panic ensues. Drummer helps them move the most, my wife helps quite a bit, and finally I helped when I was able. This was our practice house so it definitely meant the band was on hold, but no worries, we'll all help y'all move into your parents' old house... your parents' old house which is in foreclosure itself right now, and also currently abandoned........excepting of course the drunkard friend (read: 30+ beers per day, every day) from years back who is "keeping an eye on the place" for the time being. So, for whatever reason a few days after the giant mess of a move is complete, Guitarist, who by the way is now working in Sacramento (400+ miles away) tells Drummer's girlfriend "YOU OWE ME 30 DOLLARS" and after a brief argument via text (good job!) followed it up with "YOU HAVE TWO WEEKS TO GET THE FUCK OUT." So drummer and his girlfriend say fine, fuck you, we're moving back home to Syracuse (2,500+ miles away), because we have nowhere else to go anyhow. Drummer and girlfriend come stay with us for a handful of days/nights whilst they pack their shit and wait for the train. Guitarist tries to backpedal by purchasing a cheap bottle of whisky for Drummer and hoping that "he can see things from my perspective some day." Said bottle of booze now lives with me, Drummer wants nothing to do with Guitarist. So there went my Drummer. A week or so later Guitarist texts me and says "hey can you pretend to be my old landlord, I need a reference to rent an apartment." SIDE NOTE: Guitarist has owed me $1,000 for 8 years now, and during the time he wasn't paying his mortgage, he bought a new car, several more guitars and basses, and (from what I've been told) a few hundred pairs of shoes. I tell him no, and that it was pretty funny that he came to me of all people to lie and say he was a Financially Responsible Person. He gets all butthurt and proceeds to delete me and my wife (admin) from the band's Facebook page, and apparently doesn't "like" either of us anymore since we were also blocked on the Facebook. SIDE NOTE #2: we're all in our mid-30s, so this makes the pettiness even more pathetic/hilarious. So there went my Band. Fun fact: Myself, Drummer, and Guitarist have all been friends for 20+ years. Guitarist has a pretty severe problem with alcohol and should seek help. Should. Won't. Fuckit, I'm moving on. Drummer won a competition at Guitar Center 2 days after moving back to Syracuse though, haha. Dude is GOOD and I hope he can find his way in the Manhattan scene as a pro. I'm playing weird death/doom with another drummer at work. So a few things are still coming up Milhouse. I told my mom I needed to turn the last 3 months into a book, and she suggested "add a murder mystery element to it!"

What does it all mean? I'm finally writing a god damn book in earnest this time. My bass/drum death/doom band is pretty part time and that's all I have going musically right now, so I'm trying to focus on the madness that is my own mind. Well I'm also reading Inferno and that is fucking me up right proper, so much that I even "straightened" my hair last night WTF:


So it goes.
I didn't see them, but my drummer's girlfriend said it was absolutely ridiculous how many manshoes came out of that closet. Fuckin' faggot.

Fuck that guy. Fuck me for allowing him BACK into my life on three different occasions. I recognize my folly, and hope to not repeat (a 4th time) my particular foolishness in that regard.

My other forms of foolishness shall, of course, remain fully intact. :loco:
yeh this guy sounds like a real scumbag and it finally built up enough that no one could take it anymore. i like some drum/bass death/doom.
But of course. Surprised? :loco:

I've always been great and cutting worthless eejits out of my life, the exception being this dude for whatever stupid god damn reason. I have nobody to blame but myself since I should have learned my lesson many years ago when the majority of my other friends left this dude by the wayside and wondered why I stuck around. Oh well, my drummer buddy overstayed his friendship with him as well, but knowing him he is now DONE and will never look back. Neither should I, although thankfully this whole shindig has produced more writing fodder than I've had in over 5 years. life + lemons => lemonade + rind

EDIT: Not really lemons, I didn't get fucked in this deal, definitely more my drummer friend than anyone else. The guitfiddle dude was never going to pay me back, that $$$ was lost long ago.
The "book" is at 3,700 words and counting but gOD DAMMIT I need to get some sleep WTF.

I'll be back later. Trying to avoid all interwebz until I get at least 20,000 words or so.

So far lots of hilarity and the rest I'm just lying about because fiction is pretty cool.
Heh, well you're better off brother. I have trimmed a lot of fat out of my life over the years as well. All the better for it. Though, I'm such an anti-social fuck that I've also cut out some good folk as well. Speaking of toxic individuals, I got my mother's number blocked, because she is a raging alcoholic (recovered but still proned to binges) who will flood my phone full of hate messages after nipping on the cooking sherry too hard. Just don't have patience for any of this shit nowadays, too old, leave me the fuck alone heh.
Oy that is no fun. Friend bullshit can be snipped eventually but family stuff tends to stick.

Shoulda written a book about me pa years ago! We get along better these days...
Shitty part is that I have to see her on a regular basis, as I have a tight relationship with my 15 yr old kid brother. Did I mention she doesn't work and is always turning to me for hand outs? Ahhhhhhh, what I'd give to have a friend who owes me 1k instead. :heh:
But yea, I'm going to bed as well. I wanted to see Homeland, but my illegal mssg board in which I download all this shit is currently down.

Somebody post some links! :p
I guess it's fashionable these days, which is good, because all of you are human, and honestly whilst I've been an atheist for 30 years I do (perhaps) believe that we keep returning to RC for a reason. Not in any religious or spiritual sense of course (that might be gay), but indeed, I have rarely stumbled upon such a bright group of individuals, bright folk as dim as me perhaps, but I digress...
It's always been an interesting blend of folks.

Being in a band is like having three girlfriends, all of whom know about each other, and all of whom are at various levels of acceptance with that fact. With regard to relationships I've heard it said, "If they didn't end badly, they wouldn't end at all." So it also seems to be true of bands. That said, it sucks when friends of 20+ years part ways over inane bullshit.

Good luck with the book. I'm not sure if you've spoken about it in another thread... what's it about?
Yeah, that about covers it. Relationship without fucking. Unless you're in a band with someone you can fuck, in which case that probably makes things far worse and doesn't relieve much of anything.

The book (so far) is about the stupidity of being in a band that was "supposed" to make it, almost did, but then people DIE. I'm trying to let it flow where it wants, so far so good. I hope I finish it, or at least post the unfinished chunks onto my webshite and/or here so 15 people can mock it accordingly.
Nice to have another book-writer here!

Finished my first one a year ago. Worked really hard on it. Don't like it much, though it has its moments. I think of it as my "practice" book. Not even gonna try to publish it.

Right now I'm working on two novels concurrently. One is dark (sort of a semi-literary horror novel) and one funny (about a beer delivery man). Making shit up is fun!

Anyway, send me that shit when you have a working draft.
Wrote another 800 words tonight. Probably wrote 200 on RC. I think I need a deadline to pressure me into doing this properly.

I have no self discipline or ability to complete anything, where are my welfare state sponsored drugs and security funds?!?!
