Name bands you just can't stand

if there wasnt music out there that provoked emotion or feeling like me that would be boring. we need diversity, not just in sound, but in overall compisition and lyrical content. and Opeth, to me, are the best at it.
Silver Incubus said:
LOL no shit. Opeth is good if you know what to listen for. It's probbably the same reason you wouldn't get TOOL. You have to understand why certain tones are chosen to represent certian things. It's not always about speed and technical. It's about the feel of the music. That is why I love CoB, great feel, speed, and technical.

I hate pretty much all mainstream music.


Tool= sucks.

I get tool, and there's not much there to get. Simple guitars, simple bass, simple drums, simple vocals. MAynard can stay in tune (which is more than most "vocalists" can do these days) but, he is nothing special and is highly overated. The lyrics aren't as "deep" and meaningful either. I can see why people would like them, they are better than alot of crap out there. But they don't do jack shit for me.

Why get mad that someone doesn't like opeth?...and lay down the.."you must not get them, just like you don't get tool!" argument, that is lame. Intelligence has nothing to do with musical preferance (most of the time). Attention span and patience however, do. As well as an open mind. IMHO

hmm another band I can't stand i can't really think of any...WAIT! That band that sings the "one armed scissor" song. Fuck, that song annoys me.
Krigloch the Furious said:
Dude I dont hate/dislike them because I dont know music. I dont listen to music for the gay ass emotion. And I hate tool just as much. shitty singer, boring guitar parts, and drumming that everyone says is good, but is just boring as hell. I dont wanna hear some pussy and all of his "problems." I listen to upbeat metal, and classical. Because bands like your name "incubus" tool, opeth, all pop music, most punk music, and everthing else that is "popular" is shitty as hell. You can take that to the fucking bank and pull your thumb out of your ass!!!!!!! :yell: :yell: :yell: :yell: :yell:
For one, I do not like incubus, my name is more original then that. Besides how would you know I wasn't naming it after the trash/death metal band Incubus?

Anyways, as for you opinion, well thats just fine, but gay ass emotion? That is probbably the saddest argument i have seen on here so far.

And like I said before, if you don't get them, then you wouldn't like them.

And if you know anything about music, you would understand why they are good. Opeth that is.
Seriously FUCK OPETH! I can listen to long songs so dont say all this shit about me not being able to pick anything out etc Its just SO amazingly boring just some gay on an acoustic guitar singing about trees and shit. oh yeah and I HATE nirvana and old those lame punk bands who dont know what notes they are playing
Opeth is really really boring. It has nothing to do with attention span or anything else... and you don't have to be a musician to appreciate it, in fact in my experience it's the opposite, if anything (I only know a couple musicians who don't think it's boring).

I find it funny that someone said that ppl who don't like Opeth don't see the "emotion" and depth or something like that. In my opinion, Opeth is one of the most emotionless bands I've ever heard. :p

There's no point in arguing... opinions are opinions. Don't turn this place into the Testament board, please.
Honestly: I'm an EXTREMELY SENSITIVE, EMOTIONAL person. Yet Opeth bores the hell out of me!
One MORE thing that just had to be said... ;)
I'm going to check out Opeth when they come here in a couple weeks; I am getting in free though. :D They are one of those bands where I do think they're pretty talented and can make some good songs; but I can only take them in small doses. The problem is, Opeth getting an hour long set=about 4 songs. ;)
They'll be playing alot longer than an hour.

I'm a musician, have been since I was 7. Classical, MEtal and Jazz. I"m about to go student teach a High School Band in September. opeth is amazing. I couldn't give two shits if anyone else thinks so or not.

save your "i'm so emotional" crap for the crush you're currently stalking. That is a stupid excuse for putting down a hardworking band.

on another note, ....ah, fuck it. there are no other notes. Have a nice day.
Yeah, I remember when they had an opening slot on a tour they only got 3 songs in. I figure they'll get an hour and a half; but the venue they are playing are bitches about curfews and such. I hope they club doesn't try to cut them off; i'd like to get to experience them once live at least with a full set.
I don't think half of the people who hate Opeth have even really listen to them. But as I said, if you don't get it then you won't like them. There is no reason to get upset or be an asshole about being narrowminded, its just that you level of music appreciation is low and narrow, and thus you fail to see the good for what it is. And I'd like to point out the fact that if you don't listen to music for the "gay ass emotion" then really you don't 'listen' to music at all. Music is vibrations that resonate inside your soul if you feel it right. Certain tones and arrangment of tones can cause certain emotional releases when they correspond to your own vibrational mood.
In the beginning i found Opeth boring, too. But after a few listens and seeing them perform live, i started to love their music. Blackwater park and Deliverance are 2 wonderful albums
I've listened to 2 Opeth albums through like 5-6 times, and I still don't like them. BUT, it's nothing like Silver Incubus said. I definitely don't have low and narrow music appreciation.

I admit that I possibly don't get their music 'cause it's too complicated for me to understand, but since a friend of mine (who makes his own music, pretty complicated, plays all instruments himself) don't understand it either, I can't even start to imagine what it's about that some people like them and some don't.