Name one bad thing about your three favorite artists.


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
Just curious to see if people can admit that their favorite artists aren't perfect.

Name three of your favorite artists and name ONE bad, or less-than-perfect thing about them.

I'll start.

Opeth: Blackwater Park was a little more verse-chorus oriented than I'd like.

In Flames: Clayman. Enough said.

Children Of Bodom: Great music, insane instrumentals, but they desperately need a new vocalist.
Opeth : ....uhm...Eternal Soul Torture is bad enough for me.
Tool : Too much filler on their albums.
Pink Floyd : Their last album or two and all of their yuppie fans.
Dream Theater - Cheezy/Bad lyrics

Opeth - Mikaels Mustache and inconsistent weight, lol jk..umm prolly their live show the martins dont cut through the mix at all.

Emperor - They broke up right when they wrote the album I
always knew they could write.
Opeth: the early stuff lacks organization.
Emperor: VERY hard to get into these guys, out of all of their albums only two have grown on me, it will be years before I see these guys to their full extent.
Borknagar: It is hard to pinpoint something about this group. I guess one thing that could be said is how long it took me to finally see the genious within, and how each album takes some pretty intent listening.

Opeth - Can't hear a lot of the growling vocals (unintelligable words)
Dream Theater - when LaBrie just goes WAYYYYYY high up in his voice register and stays there.. annoying..
Tool - Maynard Keenan's choice of singing styles.. I prefer his vocals in APC.. if only he could do that for Tool.. only darker.. he has some incredible vocal lines at his best...
opeth: less wanderlust in the music than there used to be.

evereve: tom's dead, now the band sucks.

pain of salvation: gildenlow doesn't wander into harsh vocal ranges anywhere near enough.
The Smashing Pumpkins - They broke up...
Tool - Adam Jones really needs to work on his solos, most of the time it's 12-15th fret on the D and G strings
nine inch nails - Pretty easy to get bored of (every once in a while I can't take any more of it)
Opeth- Lyrics are often corny, BWP, Their best work seems behind them (judging by BWP, and then the two new songs, which were pretty good, but not as good as their earlier works. We'll see if i'm right when the two new albums are out)

Tool- Their best work also seems behind them, Opiate and Undertow were great albums, they had a very coherent and attractive atmosphere/feel, AEnima WOULD have, had this coherence, but I feel hooker with a penis, and message to harry manback ruined this album's flow. Lateralus left me disappointed, maybe I haven't listened to it enough yet, but it just seems like they didn't do as good a job as they could have, I also didn't really like the production on Lateralus.

My Dying Bride- I love this band, but you really have to be in the mood for it.
Opeth - Songs are sometimes too long and drawn out (blashpemy I know, ahh well), once you get used to the growled vocals their fine but they still don't really suit the music in some places (especially on the two first albums) BWP a slight disappointment.

Amorphis - New material is ok but pretty cheesy, sometimes sounds like good music to accompany porno movies on AM Universe.

Maudlin of the Well - Sometimes really hard to listen to because their music is so oddly structured and somtimes really random sounding. Too original!
Stabbing Westward - As they progressed, they progressively became more radio friendly and pop sounding. Their songs are rather simple, which is one thing I realized after I got into Opeth. Their last album was a shocker for me... basic alternative/pop/rock but it still grew on me after a while.

Opeth - The music doesn't quite have the emotional effect on me that Stabbing Westward does. As someone says, some of the songs are drawn out... lack structure. Not enough raw production like Eternal Soul Torture... :lol:

Meshuggah - The music is basically 99.9% rhythm and 00.1% melody. The bass guitarist and drummer hardly stand out. They lost the cool acoustic passages they had in the early days.
My Dying Bride- last couple of albums, while still really really cool have some songs/moments that feel a bit.... umm, what's the word I'm looking for.... contrived? I dunno, feels a bit by-the-numbers or something, too streamlined..... :err:

Anathema- Duncan left, and the band wussed out. And their last album sucked.

Katatonia- ummmmm............... they haven't played in New Zealand?? :lol: I honestly can't think of a single thing wrong with them.
Tool & Opeth: I think they're both of capable of making complete albums that are superior to the ones they've made now. Sounds weird, eh?

Smashing Pumpkins: I'm afraid there's one thing that stands about the rest... Billy Corgan's voice.

By the way, I like the idea of this thread.
Moonspell : This band started out very good with "Under The Moonspell", "Wolfheart" and "Irreligious". When they released "Sin/Pecado" i was like:confused: ... I gave it a few more spins, and after i while I was like:eek: .. heh, nowadays when I listen to "Sin" I`m always like :worship: :Smokin: :devil: :hotjump: The one bad thing about Moonspell is the fact that they released "Butterfly FX" , and that they never visited Norway during the Darkness and Hope - tour

Metallica : Cliff, the bass-maestro died..

Dan Swanö : His music occupies far to much of my time....