name one fruit you wish to have sex with, and describe it.

In all acutallity any fruit would be better than a women. You can throw the fruit away when you are done and not have to hear " I have a headache, are you done yet??, you are a liar, your paying for my abortion." Blah blah blah. My most triumphant moment ever was when i was banging the hottest girl i have ever fucked and she looked at me and goes " Luke , i love you." To which I replied " No you dont...You're drunk." and continued to fuck her. Fruit dont talk afterwards either. But If I had to fuck anything it would be a nice bowl of applesauce. Not straight out of the frig though because thats just cruel. Fiona Apple looks cracked out.
In all acutallity any fruit would be better than a women. You can throw the fruit away when you are done and not have to hear " I have a headache, are you done yet??, you are a liar, your paying for my abortion." Blah blah blah. My most triumphant moment ever was when i was banging the hottest girl i have ever fucked and she looked at me and goes "EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY, i love you." To which I replied " No you dont...You're drunk." and continued to fuck her. Fruit dont talk afterwards either. But If I had to fuck anything it would be a nice bowl of applesauce. Not straight out of the frig though because thats just cruel. Fiona Apple looks cracked out.

Fix'd. ;)
circus_brimstone said:

I forget i have to stay in ninja stealth mode. Having the most annoying name in UM history ( or so the Nevermore board told me for two years) can only be justified by having a hot chick with me penis inside her yelling it. Reminds me of the That 70's show episode were everyone calls Kelso TATER NUTS!!! Sweet i should go by that. Everlostindeadeternity that is and not tater nuts. Mmmm sex with a peeled potatoe??? Endless possibilities. :u-huh: At lesat then you could deep fry it afterwards and have fries.Just imagine the look on your friends face when hes eating a fry and you go " You know that potatoe you are eating was the best fuck Ive had in a long time. "