

Poison God Machine
Aug 29, 2003
Hell Frozen Over
Has anyone else heard of these guys? It's a Manowar spoof band, and their shit's fucking hilarious! Whether you like Manowar (which I do) or not, this stuff's pretty damn funny. I happened to get my hands on their album "Triumph of True Metal of Steel", and I about fucking died laughing. The music's mediocre, and the production kind of sucks, but it's worth a listen if for nothing else than a damn good laugh. As a matter of fact, the site's pretty funny, too. I love the background image they use! :tickled:

They've got some mp3s up on their site if anyone's interested:
I tried going in and editing the post to fix it, but it looks like the changes weren't saved or something. I thought I had checked the URL when I posted it to make sure it worked, because I usually do, but I guess this time I didn't. Sorry! I'll try fixing it again.