
I got the tape in today, well, not really. It was apparently "damaged" in the mail so Canada Post put the insert back in the envelope and threw the tape away.

alright. I've already sent you $4 in the mail for that broken tape. I'll go to the bank and get some more USD. Let me know how much extra you need.

Thanks Erik. I appreciate it greatly.
6 copies would be great. Let me know how much more for shipping, and feel free to help yourself to a free CD or vinyl when I finally get some stock in.
I have no vinyl player things here. They took them all away. Well, no they didn't. I just don't have any.
i noticed a (positive) review that's not on your page of the evighet promo in a zine i got, are you interested in having it one your page? i can write it out if so, it wasn't very long
g'hinnom indeed, great zine.
how did you know?

Another newborn swedish band. This one-track promo is musically rooted in black metal Norway 93-95, and does of course not offer anything new, but hey, who wants to get surprised ALL the time? I like the one and only song included pretty much and I'll even give you reasons for that: 1. It does not lack of that certain nordic feeling thins kind of music demands. 2. It is not another cheap darkthrone copy, but follows a more melodic and complex line. Well-written stuff. If you enjoy the very first releases of Ulver, Dimmu Borgir, Enslaved, Satyricon and usch bands, this should fit as a glove in a hand (:err: ). Despite the fact that the promo is only but 7 minutes long, released on a CDr, and has Hávamal-influenced forest lyrics this is pretty good. Above average at least, and it will be interested to see what this will evolve into. The price is 20 SEK or 3$, by the way, but I don't think it's availible anymore. Write and ask. They should have a new, and from what I've been told, better demo out by now, so...
no problem. ask him for a copy of the zine as well if you happen to meet him, in case you haven't got one already. i read some of it this evening and though i don't claim to share his religios outlook he still has some good things to say, and the interviews, especially ondskapt's, are very interesting as well
I'll probably get some more. I shouldn't have mentioned it, because now I'm obligated to sell them to people who staked them out beforehand and not the first persons to put their money on the table.