
Caelum Adustum said:
Excellent news!

By the way, any news on the Bathory tribute?
Three bands have still not done their covers, including Nokturnal Mortum... I imagine as soon as these people get their shit together the comp will be out ASAP. On CD and not tape, if you didn't know.
Dumb question, Erik. Does it scratch your vocal chords to do the growls and screams? I'm very much curious. I'm listening to Solens Vemod (1st bandcamp purchase back in the day! WOOT!)


This coming from a guy who loses his voice about once a year from yelling like once or having a really bad sinus infection.
well when you don't get regular practice because you don't play in a band etc it can be pretty tough on the ol' cords when you get into a recording session every fifth year or so, yes
Do people still say woot?

Yes, but it's properly "w00t."

well when you don't get regular practice because you don't play in a band etc it can be pretty tough on the ol' cords when you get into a recording session every fifth year or so, yes

I've heard that there are some techniques to push the air out ("from the diaphragm") without straining the cords. Is there anything to this?