
We recorded it using CoolEdit unless my memory fails me and patched it together in Modplug Tracker where the drums were made. The Bathory cover was recorded using SoundForge, Cubase and Modplug Tracker. Don't ask about mikes and stuff, it's too much to remember for poor me, but a Vamp2 was used for all guitars exceptt for on Evighet where a DOD FX86B Death Metal pedal was used.
With Undergång we send a CDr master to Intolerant Records and they took it from there.

An analogue recording session would be great but no fucking way in hell we could work under time (i.e. money) pressure with Nasheim.
In this day and age, is it even worth getting an old 4-track tape recorder to record bits and pieces, or should one just dive into the software now? Is a 4-track more convenient?

Also, when you're writing stuff, do you transcribe the pieces you want to keep on to paper? Or do you just record it and hope you can remember how to play it again when you listen to it days/weeks later?



But guess which one I own?
My dad used to have one of those old things. He probably still does. So you can record on that? Why is it better than the Zoom?

Does that Zoom capture the stuff you play digitally so you can just upload to the PC?

I need to dig that old recording thread out...
Analogue just sounds better and is more authentic to me, like vinyl v. CDs. The Zoom I can record a song, then transfer it to a .wav file on my PC and convert it to an .mp3 within about 45 seconds. Very convenient, and sounds good enough.

That recording thread is awesome, I've referred back to it several times and learned all kinds of crazy crap.
JayKeeley said:
In this day and age, is it even worth getting an old 4-track tape recorder to record bits and pieces, or should one just dive into the software now? Is a 4-track more convenient?

Also, when you're writing stuff, do you transcribe the pieces you want to keep on to paper? Or do you just record it and hope you can remember how to play it again when you listen to it days/weeks later?
No fucking way in hell a 4-track is more convenient that your good ole computer for home recording. With a computer you can do pretty much the same stuff as in any studio provided you have the right software including plugins for reverb, compression and so on and a decent sound card, and editing sound (Cutting away silence, patching bits&pieces together and so on) is really simple and you can use however many channels you want. If you want no extravagant stuff, basically just a multi-track recorder I recommend Goatstudio, google for "goatstudio lasse" and you will find it.
OK cool. Bear in mind that I don't want to record stuff like you guys for demo purposes and getting label deals etc. You guys are basically semi-professionals and have obviously invested the time into learning the ropes.

I just want to be able to play some shit, record it, and just keep it for prosperity. I have ideas, riffs, harmony parts, and other things I've been messing around with over the years, and it would be nice to have a tape made just for me. The Goatstudio sounds interesting, I'll look into it, cheers.
NAD said:
That recording thread is awesome, I've referred back to it several times and learned all kinds of crazy crap.
I can't find it - can you dig out the URL?

If I play some crap, can I send you a tape and you add the bass?
Yeah, like I said, Goatstudio sounds like the perfect thing for you. You can choose any amount of tracks from one to 24 or something and that's more than enough for anyone, but it doesn't support any kind of plug-ins and stuff. Evighet was recorded using Goatstudio.
I use an analog 4-track to record, it's a fucking pain in the ass(or it was at least)! Of course for me a computer would be even worse because I'm a fucking caveman. Another thing that sucks is that for my next tape I want to have 2 guitars, bass, drums, and vocals but since it's only 4 tracks I can only have one guitar (I must have bass play important role).

Oh yeah...

...Analog > Digital
I suppose so... There's been some demand while me and Erik didn't have any, and now that I got ten copies all went as soon as someone (THR-Håkan) found out I had 'em. Erik still has some 10-20 copies or so though.