Nature - Important to you or not?

falling bird

Jan 11, 2002
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This thread is made to talk about everything concerning nature. Tell me what you combine with it and if it is somehow important to you or not. Tell me what you like/dislike about it, for example which season you like/dislike most and why, what you feel during different effects and changes of nature(weather) and so on.
You may also talk about special impressions you remember, for example from a holiday or even better post a picture of it.

For me nature is really important. I need my Sweden holiday every year, it just helps me to gather myself again and to get new energies and innovation. Me for example, i love autumn,just the whole atmosphere...

I am really interested in your replies!
Since all forums here seem to be very open minded it would be cool if many replied to this.
I absolutely love nature. I never miss an opportunity to put on a Katatonia CD and open up the window when it rains. Just staring out into the rain/fog/clouds (any gloomy weather will do :)) relaxes me.
Is nature important to me? Incredibly so. Especially trees. And I like to be high up so I can look out over forests, and fields, and water...

Tomorrow I will scan and post a couple of tree pictures I took on a vacation that I just love.
I enjoy walking through the woods at night or just sitting on a bench somewhere in the middle of nowhere and staring into the vast unknown. :rolleyes:

The only drawback is that I get thirsty really quickly, so I always have to take something to drink with me (which I hate). I wish for vending machines on every cemetary and in every forest! :)
I love nature :) I enjoy walking in the woods, lying down somewhere, or sit down on a bench, and just listen all the sounds of nature. I like rains,'s lovely walk outside then too, or just sit down inside on a comfortable chair and watch the rain drops falling down. Nature makes me relax and think a lot of things, for example situations in my life etc. But sometimes I hate when it, for inctance, rains, usually then when I'm in a horrible hurry and I have no umberella and I have to meet some important person :rolleyes: Or, when I'm inside the weather looks nice, but when I get outside it's raining, and I get back inside and the weather is lovely again. But I enjoy the nature more than dislike it :)

I think my favorite season of the year is summer. Though I can't stand the heat, the sun etc, but I stand cold less than the hot weather....or do I....In winter I'm freezing all he time, and it drives me nuts...but in summer I sweat all the time and that drives me nuts too....Oh well, I don't know...
Because we're only a small percentage, and not the ones in power.

Long ago Nature was sacrificed for industrial and technological progress and financial gain.

Many academics theorize that the Christian tradition perceived Nature as having fallen along with Adam and Eve, and was therefore imperfect and could not be treasured for beauty, serenity or strength. As an environment tainted by sin, Nature had no intrinsic value for most Christian industrialists, so they say.
I think its not because we aren’t in power, its because it “looks” good to say that nature is lovely and etc… Nature love is overrated, everybody says the same, even those ladies with coats of animal fur, and they guys that run those highly expensive factories that do “not” pollute the environment, even boys&girl-band say I to elevate their popularity… truth is that almost everybody (including me) is way to passive to make a stand and stop some heavy shit that’s going on. Its all bunch of steamy, lustrous BS in my humble opinion.

I’ll take my pill now :s
Not being in power - I was referring to true nature lovers, not people who just say they love nature because it makes them look good.

There are many people who actively fight for nature - hence the environmental movement. It's just not as much in fashion now as it was in the 80s, so the only people who try to make a difference are the ones who really care.
I am nearly agree with LoboUivante.Everyone loves nature at least will say it.We the humans don't really care about nature.And it is still sacrifacing for industrial and technological progress and financial gain.
We get used to watch TV,use deodrants etc.And we sacriface nature for our habits.
Aah...nature. Now and then I really need to recharge my batteries by walking in the woods for several hours, otherwise I'd go insane.
In most cases solitude is my key to temporary peace and I appreciate places which leave room for nature, places where intact forests are nearby that is.

Yesterday a heavy storm befell my hometown. I heard the sound of the wind and instantly put on Ulver's "Kveldssanger". Obviously, I wouldn't want to be out in the open during such tempests, but indoors there was a very comforting atmosphere.

As a general rule, autumn would be my "favourite" season, spring and winter being a close second. The only season I sort of dislike is summer, just because I hate to sweat if it isn't in a sexual context :D

By the way, I think I like your threads, falling bird :)
*carries out soap box and steps onto it..."Ahem"*

I'm not attacking anyone here at all. I think it's great that people have regard for the environment, but I just got one small problem that needs to be adressed.
llamaura stated : "Because we're only a small percentage, and not the ones in power. "
I honestly don't feel that's correct. I feel we have heaps of power. We just have to start to use it. It really is quite simple when you think about it. When you go shopping make sure what you buy can be recylced and has minimal packaging on it etc. I know, I know, it sounds sooo cliched but it is so true.
Those who exploit nature do so because WE allow them to do it.
Anyways as I started by saying I'm not attacking anyone here I just wanted to point something out for you guys to think about.

*gets off soapbox and apologises for her rantings - she only does this because she is passionate about the environment* :D
Originally posted by gilleon
*carries out soap box and steps onto it..."Ahem"*

I feel we have heaps of power. We just have to start to use it. It really is quite simple when you think about it. When you go shopping make sure what you buy can be recylced and has minimal packaging on it etc. I know, I know, it sounds sooo cliched but it is so true.

*gets off soapbox and apologises for her rantings - she only does this because she is passionate about the environment* :D

I totally agree with the above statement.

I was referring more to individual power, rather than the potential combined power of the buying public. I do believe that every seemingly small effort made to improve things does help, but unfortunately most people are too lazy to be bothered. (And because of this the people who make the effort are in the minority and therefore don't have as much power as they could.)