Naughty Bulldogs!!

Well if the Bulldogs were caught out and admitted they did it, the audit must have shown conclusive proof and not just sponser payments that could be seen as being ambiguous or anything like that.
I actually think salary cap rorts is common place amongst all sports. I like the way salary cap is handled in American Basketball (NBA). They have a cap, but it's not a hard cap. Meaning that they can exceed the cap but if they do they have to pay a luxury tax to the league. So for each dollar over the cap they spend they have to pay a dollar to the league. It means teams are more likely to be honest with their paperwork because there are no strict penalties, it just makes them think twice about spending too much. They also have a rule which allows clubs to go over the cap on players whom have been with them for at least 3 seasons which i think is also a good idea. Particularly when they spend time and money on developing young players, but dont want to see them poached by bigger dollars elsewhere if they are restricted by a hard cap.

But i agree with you spawn, its probably just the tip of the iceberg. Particularly when a media report has turned out to be true, and then other club officials are saying that just about all the clubs do it.

I love Rugby League, but the fools running the comp have been doing a piss poor job for many years now and its no wonder there seems to be some major negative drama going on each year and crowds are low.
What is real stupid is that the first NRL audit didn't pick the Bulldogs up on this, it wasn't until some journo in Sydney looked into for reasons best known to themselves, an found what the NRL didn' what the fuck is going on with thier audit process??
I think the journos from the Sydney Morning Herald were actually investigating the new stadium and leagues club (or something) that the Bulldogs were planning and they stumbled upon the whole salary cap thing.

The chick that discovered it (Kate McClymont) is going to be on "NRL On Fox" tomorrow night, as is David Gallop - that should be very interesting viewing.
Originally posted by Spiff

The chick that discovered it (Kate McClymont) is going to be on "NRL On Fox" tomorrow night, as is David Gallop - that should be very interesting viewing.

A woman? I think the bigger story here is what she was doing out of the kitchen! :eek: ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

I wouldn't be surprised if Kate gets a few nasty threats thrown her way by the Bulldog army. I am not the psyco-doggies fan that i used to be, but if they get kicked out this season, she better be looking over her shoulder. No one likes a dobber!
I dont think they will get kicked out, I just dont see that happening, but perhaps they will lose points next year as well as this year.