Nazism and Asatru

Seriously, voting these days is kinda like. "Hmm, now would I rather hit my left nut or my right nut with the hammer? Wow, this choice really sucks!"
I could write in a vote, but while I appreciate futile displays of conscience... No one is going to care, the media isn't going to suddenly get interested in reality, and all you're likely to do is go home with a smug sense of self-satisfaction and jerk off to thoughts of your cause of choice. I say burn it all and try again. :)
I know exactly who i'm gonna vote for. The presidential elections in france are coming up in a few months, i hope the nationalist party will get to the second turn again.. as they did last time. That made a fucking scandal here, it was hilarious. news broadcasts from other countries made a big thing about it as well.. as if the nationalist party was the new nazi party.. haha dumbasses.

i vote for them because they are the closest to my ideas and they are the least worse indeed. I don't agree with everything of course, many things about them piss me off because they are too "soft" for me. But i know that if they get to power they won't outlaw more "extreemist" groups.

and Ragnaroksprophet, its not only in america that most white people aren't racially aware. Thats in all western countries. I'd say that its only in eastern european countries (and some places in western europe like those kick ass corsicans) that a majority of white people are racially aware.