
Utuk Xul

Demon Spawn
Feb 13, 2002
The 9th level of Hell
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Just downloaded the two songs from their website since I heard so much about them. The music is phenomenal, but what's up with the stupid song titles? I don't think this band needs to rely on childish or shocking lyrics(*cough*Cannibal Corpse)to garner a following. How can you go up to someone and say "my favorite song is "Advanced Corpse Tumor"" with a straight face?

Besides that, where is it possible to get the first full length? I checked several places but they don't have it. Looks like I might have to wait for the re-release....
Heh, yeah, if the 'phagist have a single fault, its the redundant theme, but still.....some music still utilizes such themes for a purpose, even if its redundant....but yeah, it can be a little silly. My favourite song from the album is actually Advanced Corpse Tumor.

I got my original copy from, they're the only label I was lucky enough to find still had some copies. Try them! Though they're UK based; payment options become less forgiving outside of the UK...but still, real cheap, I got it for £7.99 can you imagine.
Kickass band, can't wait 'till they're gonna re-record the drums and release a new record.

Yeh, I've thought the name was a kind of...dunno, not fitting, but I dont care anymore.
Naggamanteh said:
Well, what is a better theme to sing about then?
The "theme" is okay, but it pervades every song. The track list from the album is basically a carbon copy of the first Carcass album. If I wasn't able to get samples, I would probably wind up passing on this album because every track is named the same way. I usually know how these "gore" bands sound, childish and repetitive with minimal talent - the music of this band however light years ahead of that nonsense.

All I'm saying is they would probably ganrer more positive attention if the lyrics looked like they weren't written by a med school dropout.

As for better themes: history, the future, emotion, politics, the enviroment, nature of reality, hell anything...
Utuk Xul said:
The "theme" is okay, but it pervades every song. The track list from the album is basically a carbon copy of the first Carcass album. If I wasn't able to get samples, I would probably wind up passing on this album because every track is named the same way. I usually know how these "gore" bands sound, childish and repetitive with minimal talent - the music of this band however light years ahead of that nonsense.

All I'm saying is they would probably ganrer more positive attention if the lyrics looked like they weren't written by a med school dropout.

As for better themes: history, the future, emotion, politics, the enviroment, nature of reality, hell anything...
Ok, I get your drift. I have a thing for their "theme" so I don't mind it, but I agree it doesn't fit their technical music very well. I for one don't like when bands mix politics and music, but that's just me. And I seldom read the lyrics anyway. :)
They are very technical and complex which is a great reason why its not like any other straight ahead rumble-rumble death metal band. I don't think they need sophisticated lyrics for this type of style either.