
Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA

I have noticed an influx of dreaded necrothreads lately, mostly drum sample posts.

Can we please figure out some way to maybe store threads older than one year in an archive forum where replies are disabled? shit is KILLING ME.:yell::yell::yell::yell:
I don't see any reason it's an issue. If a new thread is started about something that's been discussed, people bitch and tell them, "Use the search function. There are several threads about this already". Yet, if someone bumps one of those old threads that they were told to search for with a relevant and appropriate post, people bitch about them bumping necrothreads. I, personally, would much rather an old thread with relevant information be bumped than a completely new thread whose only content is "Use the search function."
I don't see any reason it's an issue. If a new thread is started about something that's been discussed, people bitch and tell them, "Use the search function. There are several threads about this already". Yet, if someone bumps one of those old threads that they were told to search for with a relevant and appropriate post, people bitch about them bumping necrothreads. I, personally, would much rather an old thread with relevant information be bumped than a completely new thread whose only content is "Use the search function."

This. Bumping a necro at least shows that they've made an effort to find the information themselves.
Necrothreads are fine if something useful and new is added, but pointless bumps of 5 year old threads are pretty annoying.

Bumping old thread and getting "lolnecrothread:fu:"
makes me fucking sick to my bones.

I mean if there already is a thread like
"albums with programmed drums", why not bump the thread and make the list in
there a bit longer?
But no, you get fucking smartass remarks about how old the thread is.
Nobody even cares about relevance.
Yet, if I start a new thread with a similar purpose it only gets 3-4 posts and sinks into oblivion.
This or it gets plastered with

Stop bitching about so-called "necrothreads" if they are still relevant.

that is all.
Also, I sometimes spend 2hrs on here, checking topics after being gone and it sucks so hard to run into a shit ton of old threads where the n00b types 'yo thanks.' or 'those links aren't working' etc
It's very frustrating to be reading through a necrothread and then discover that the links are broken, then you look at the date and AHHHH FUUUCK.

Also, I sometimes spend 2hrs on here, checking topics after being gone and it sucks so hard to run into a shit ton of old threads where the n00b types 'yo thanks.' or 'those links aren't working' etc

I agree heartily with you on both of these points.

"hey Joey any news on this"

ahh... he don't live here no more.