need a new pda/cell phone

its freaking great so far ... no bugs, etc.

the only thing that i don't like is that it does not work with yahoo messenger. But from what I read this is only on At&t accounts.

i need an online place to download freebie games for it ... so if anyone of you know such a place ... por favor
I'm the lookout for a seriously old from circa '96.

Also, LOL @ Jerry's first post in this thread
just picked one of these up as an upgrade on my AT&T account

just came out, super top of the line Blackberry 9700 ... I figured it would be like 200 shekels ... much to my surprise it was FREE!

plus got my folks a new phone as well for X-mas ... one of those for old folks with big digits ... everything total $8.88

Cheap is the new black [/nadrian]
How is the phone? I'm not digging my curve as much because the browsing is terrible.

Anyways, the Droid looks fucking asf.
yeah browsing sucks on blackberries, but I am on the internet all day for work, so the last thing I want is to browse on it.

just ordered the new one this morning, should be here next week and will chime in.

the Droid ... well, any phone named Droid, no matter how good should have a max age limit of 25 for owners :loco:
The Bold is a strong choice, very similar to VZW's Tour.

I bought a Storm 2 last month and totally love it.

As for the Droid, it's a nice opening salvo. What's great about Android, is any manufacturer can develop an Android based phone. I expect that once HTC puts out an Android 2.0 phone, it will smoke. That said, the actual VZW Droid isn't all that. Aside from the fact that it's an ugly device, the physical keyboard is worthless. And because it's not a world phone, it really wasn't something I could truly consider.

so far after a day, this thing is light years ahead of the Curve functionality wise. Everything is just fluid, smooth and lag free. Its on par with something I experienced on the iPhone slickness wise
Browsing has improved as well.
the trackpad as opposed to the trackball is super sensitive with just the right amount of speed to be accurate. I was expecting something to the like of the touchpad of a laptop but this is totally different.

very happy so far and a great upgrade, especially since it was free.
The Bold is a strong choice, very similar to VZW's Tour.

I bought a Storm 2 last month and totally love it.

As for the Droid, it's a nice opening salvo. What's great about Android, is any manufacturer can develop an Android based phone. I expect that once HTC puts out an Android 2.0 phone, it will smoke. That said, the actual VZW Droid isn't all that. Aside from the fact that it's an ugly device, the physical keyboard is worthless. And because it's not a world phone, it really wasn't something I could truly consider.


Interesting. Pretty much all the Tech people love the droid. I love the idea of having everything on one device, but when will the media players stop being so god damned terrible? The best I can find is the Flipside application (plus it syncs to

I was playing around with my friends Storm and I think that it's way better than my Curve.
lol phones

Just ordered one of these from ebay:


It's made out of recycled plastic bottles.
Supposedly it is able to send and receive text messages and/or make calls. That already is more than enough features.
Simple phones rock, but when you start having to use it for work purposes, the additional features get important.... (sadly)

yeah, the super reliable email feature alone on the barackberry made me a shit load of deals and also casued a lof of f'n aggravation.

once clients know you are wired 24/7 they love to exploit it.
oh yeah ... btw I just sold my old Curve on ebay for $93 ... all beat up and everything. seems the cell phone store guys buy them for parts, etc.

bought it new over 2 years ago for $75 :loco:
I can't fucking stand motherfuckers who don't understand the concept up "vibrate". Unless you're at home or in the car, your phone's ringer should never be on. I'm currently sitting near a motherfucker whose Friday the 13th ringtone is going off every 5 minutes, intertwined with chirp sounds for every text received. There's a social etiquette one must follow...
90% of the time my phone is on silent. If it's not on silent, it's on vibrate. However, my ringtone is Colour Haze -Did Êl It, so that rules.