need a new pda/cell phone

jaysus, what the fuck is an Ugg?

seriously, girls just need to wear short skirts with fishnet stockings or tight spandex wet look pants or leather with tall boots all the time or get the fuck out.



Awesome. I composed something and by the time I posted it, I had to log back in again. Now it's gone.

It was something along the lines of: the wife wanted some of those fake UGGs to wear around the house and I refused to buy them. We have a friend my age (33) who wears UGGs (probably fake) and she looks like a total idiot. Nothing more embarrasing than someone trying desperately hard to look much younger than they really are.

Another annoying look is skinny jeans with flats.
I think the Ugg-type boots look alright with jeans tucked into them, or under jeans if they're not too puffy, & only when it's cold (duh). Other way looks ridiculous as with any other bulky cold weather boot. They just look like winter boots to me and I don't really care if they're trendy or not, or what age group they're targeted for. The craze over them is somewhat amusing as I've come to realize over the past few days since I bought my boots, but it's not going to keep me from wearing or not wearing them.

Lyke omg wut have I dun I bought fake Uggs I am so unkewl now!
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So I tested out these ugly boots this morning, waiting for the train to take me downtown to my school. It was a refreshing 14 degrees F, with the windchill factor more like 1 degree F. My feet stayed warm as shit. Fresh shit, that is. I was impressed.
I wonder how much different high school is now that every freaking kid has a cell phone. I graduated in 2002, but even then the majority of students didn't have one. The ones that did were constantly getting in trouble during class. Guh I don't even want to think how aggravating it must be for teachers now.

While waiting in line for Space Mountain, I stood adjacent from a quartet of lophaired queertys, who each had their cellphone out typing like they were the second coming of Mary Richards. These kids spent the entire one hour duration in line texting to fuck knows who? Probably each other! If you're out in public alone, so be it, if you're out with friends or relatives, show some fucking courtesy to those present amongst you.
The wife and I have been without mobiles for going on a week now (amazingly they both broke at the same time) and we are still alive.
I saw an advertisement for a monthly plan selling 5000 SMS messages per month... I worked it out, if they only sleep 4 hours a night thats still over 100 messages an hour, every day.
@RiA: yeah, did the math eating pizza in the snow walking passed the billboard, and never bothered to check.
@Dorian: Network engineer, any math I need to do is in binary.
Still enjoy my Nokia 6610i from 2004, but I had the urge to go even farther back in time and picked up both of these on Ebay, in mint condition! I'm far too excited about it. Color screens can suck it! :goggly:


Gotta have Snake II ya know. I think I accidentally threw away my original one.

That new Nokia I have with the faulty alarm clock is getting chunked. Nice phone but that's a total deal breaker.

yeah this is the one i had until just recently, it's called 3310 in europe but it's probably identical except for the network-specific electronics

what sucks about buying old phones is often the batteries will have gone to shit, also some of the old nokias have a tendency for deteriorating lcd screens
Yeah, but even if the battery is crap, I can buy a (supposedly) new one for a few bucks. I had my old 3390 for about seven years before I lost it. The phone itself still worked like new and the battery was still holding a decent charge. A hell of a phone!