need a new pda/cell phone

Iphone on verizon isn't going to happen.
I disagree.

1. AT&T's exclusivity contract for the iPhone is ending
2. The NY Times reported Apple and VZW have reached an agreement
3. A Korean manufacturer was recently awarded the contract to produce CDMA iPhones
4. A day later, VZW inked a huge promotional deal with a major ad agency
5. AT&T just recently announced that it will allow ALL current iPhone users to upgrade to a 4G, regardless of their contract status, for a mere $18. They've never done this. They're doing so as they want to lock these people in to new two year contracts before they flee to VZW

yeah, Iphone on Verizon isn't happening anytime soon. You keep forgetting that Verizon is CDMA or some shit like that
There are a great number of phones which are carried by both GSM and CDMA carriers. It's not an issue. Hell, my phone has both a CDMA and a GSM chip. There's nothing complex about redesigning a GSM phone with a CDMA chip.

Out of curiosity I checked the msrp of that droid phone,$599. Uhhhh, come again?
It's $200 with a contract, and they're always running buy one, get one. You can eBay the second one for $200 and recoup your costs. Wait for the right deal and Droid = $0.
I should have specified any time soon like Lurch. I think it'll probably happen next year.

Don't you have to sign up for two plans for the buy one get one free for the droids? Or is that only for if you join VZW?
this entire new AT&T thing where they are getting rid of Unlimited Data plans is ass backwards ... I mean really, what is this, are we going back in time?

it doesn't affect current users, but I don't see how this is going to work in their favor.
that might be true ... but psychologically at the time of purchase that might not be a good thing, considering especially that competitors will be giving unlimited deals for the same price.

this can open some interesting sales pitches for the other guys. mark my word this will not last.
I think it's stupid because of the Ipad, and eventually they'll let us start tethering for cheaper. So I agree it won't last.
I suspect VZW will get an iPhone towards the end of the 3 quarter, no later than the end end of the 4th.

I think what AT&T did with their tiered data plans was stop 12 year olds from streaming YouTube clips and video chatting 24x7. These data networks weren't designed with this kind of usage in mind. I suspect VZW and the rest to follow suit. AT&T had to do this now, before the next iPhone (with video chat) is released.
With Verizon now carrying the HTC Incredible and HTC Evo 4G why even care if they get the iPhone? I'd jump on an Incredible if they had the proper bands for our 3G here...
With Verizon now carrying the HTC Incredible and HTC Evo 4G why even care if they get the iPhone? I'd jump on an Incredible if they had the proper bands for our 3G here...
If VZW gets the iPhone, it will outsell all their Android devices. Whether it warrants outselling Android is open to speculation. However, the fact that it outsell Android is a given.
Oh, no doubt. I didn't mean from a company perspective of making sales.. I meant on the individual level of actually getting a phone.
Oh, no doubt. I didn't mean from a company perspective of making sales.. I meant on the individual level of actually getting a phone.
Personal preference. As someone who would never consider AT&T as a cell service provider, I've been drooling over the iPhone for years. If it came to VZW, I'm not sure I could resist.
Yeah, they are definitely marketing to geeky people like me. That's probably why I want one so bad, plus I like the digs on the iPhone.