need a new pda/cell phone

one thing I am beginning to really hate about it is that once people know you have a smart-phone, they expect responses to emails, etc. instantly just because they know you have instant access to them.
hate that shit.
You dudes need to leave the cell phone in your car like I do. People figure it out really quickly and leave you the fuck alone. My recent call list has 3 people on there and it's a month long. :kickass:

I'm not anti-technology. I'm anti-gluing oneself to The System at all hours. I've gone to restaurants and witnessed couples attached to their DumbFones instead of making conversation. Oh sure, you could probably blame the stupid rather than the phone in those cases, but still, why give morons the options to display their idiocy and distract me from my faux-Italian dinner at Macaroni Grill?
I'm anti-anyone that wants to keep technology in the same place.

On an individual level, how much further would you like to see it come? We've already reached the day where kids pick up cellphones, before they pick up a ball. I'm not too keen on having my meal webBozarthed. It's just getting all too silly to the point where these convenient devices have become added appendages. Technology should be focused towards promoting quality of life in our advanced years & and mustering up a viable energy source which the brigands in power can monetarily take advantage of so it could become viable for all. It shouldn't be focused on providing 12000 apps at your fingertips so you could conveniently respond to this post while on the toilet.
a family friend bought cell phones for BOTH his under 10 year old daughters this week.
will have a few choice words with him when we drink together this weekend.
I'm not anti-technology. I'm anti-gluing oneself to The System at all hours. I've gone to restaurants and witnessed couples attached to their DumbFones instead of making conversation. Oh sure, you could probably blame the stupid rather than the phone in those cases, but still, why give morons the options to display their idiocy and distract me from my faux-Italian dinner at Macaroni Grill?

Yep, yep. People easily make themselves prisoners to technology. I don't mind that the technology exists, and for those whose careers demand it, it's quite helpful. But for us regular folk, why? Take a damned walk in the park, don't just sit on the bench with your face buried in your phone, if they can even be called phones anymore. There's more to life than intarwebbing!
I'd love to see Minority Report for computer.

Explain to me why it's bad to be around technology all the time. Your arguments are like, some people are douchebags and use technology like douchebags, therefore the technology is dumb.
Technology on a whole does more to stave development than it does to encourage it. Look around ye, how many candidates for lap bands do ye see? How many that could pass a basic U.S history exam? Kids don't even experience the satisfaction of sifting through the linear notes of a store bought recording, as a 320kbps facsimile is at their fingertips. As Nad touched himself on earlier, couples can't even break biscuits with one another without having to check their messages every second of the hour. See Will Bozarth for a prime example of how technology has destroyed more lives than the dropping of the A on Hiroshima. Happy Anniversary btw, filthy gooks!
Fucking technology. Definitely doesn't save lives, make us live longer, help cure diseases, help with research, or help fix the problems in our world.
Nobody here is discrediting technology in the applications listed above. However for the individual, technology doesn't need to progress further than it has. What's next, HD Wheaties?
Cars driving automatically, robots for personal use (I, Robot style), and synthetic foods (like meats) for your house.

Making arguments to say that technology should not go any further just doesn't make any sense. Before the the invention of audio recording no one even thought that was even possible; to make my point more clear: if you hold opinions like that all it does is close doors.
speaking of ... going next week on a paid market research to test drive some super secret futuristic car with all new "technology"

it's probably the new Trabant.
Cars driving automatically, robots for personal use (I, Robot style), and synthetic foods (like meats) for your house.

Have we really reached an age where putting force on a pedal and turning a wheel 2 and 1/4 inches to make a turn is too extraneous? Holy shit, I hope I've long checked out before this advent. I don't know what I could use a robot for, and I prefer my meat slaughtered, not formulated in a vat.

Edit - The only thing that has made me salivate in recent memory is gorilla glass, which can save a ton of material resources in the long term.
yeah I heard Corning is going to start using Gorilla Glass for some hardcore super long lasting dishware.
Have we really reached an age where putting force on a pedal and turning a wheel 2 and 1/4 inches to make a turn is too extraneous? Holy shit, I hope I've long checked out before this advent. I don't know what I could use a robot for, and I prefer my meat slaughtered, not formulated in a vat.

Edit - The only thing that has made me salivate in recent memory is gorilla glass, which can save a ton of material resources in the long term.

Drunk driving and driving while exhausted would save so many lives and it could also help people get more things done. It's not easier, it's better.

I cannot fucking wait until meat is synthesized. They could tune the meat to be exactly how you like it (kind of like in Hitch Hikers Guide's tea machine)
Progress= more idiots living longer. Some doors were meant to stay closed, our technological greed is surpassing our cognitive capabilities. /halfseriousrant/