need a new pda/cell phone

Imabout to need a PDA/phone. I guess that's what they be callin smartphones these days eh? Should I get one of these Droids you speak of?
Well, I really just need a PDA but I don't think stand alone PDAs are made anymore. And besides, it'd be kinda silly to have both a phone AND a PDA. They need to just be the same device.
It's definitely possible for all that stuff, but to get that all integrated with everyone will be hard.
As somebody with a smartphone, I'll give you all a great tip. Silent mode. Put it in your jacket/backpack/purse/manly-burlap-sack.

My phone is ONLY on loud when I'm on-call or during work hours when I'm out of the office. I only check emails during office hours, or when I'm on-call.

Otherwise I check my phone every once in a while for missed calls/texts. If its important most people will call more than once/send a text/send an email, and I call back, otherwise I just leave it.

All the usefulness/convenience of a smartphone (in certain situations), with none of the "chained to work/the system" that people seem to think comes with it. And if your boss rags on your ass that you didn't answer your phone at 10pm when he tried to call you, thats his problem, not yours. If your woman/friends nag at you, have them send you a text or leave a voicemail. *gasp*

btw: Nokia E71 is the best smartphone without any useless bullshit hanged on it, like Steve Job scrotum. And it gets excellent battery life.
My droid 2 is ASF. I have everything I need from personal device to my google calender and email integrated. Since I'm not very important here, I don't have to worry about bitches wanting me. My phone is almost always on silent except when I have it on vibrate when I am expecting a call.
I had to send my new Blackberry back cause my box was incomplete but I'm now seriously reconsidering if I should opt for another model. I'll explain a bit.
What I do is mostly texting and sometimes mail but I'd like to be able to play music as well (main concern at the moment, my old creative zen vision:m has very low battery; have been using it for 6 years now or something). I don't care too much about web browsing nor camera and favor accessibility (hence I chose the blackberry display in the first place, plus I have a 1€/year data plan for push mail). Apps are a plus, only if they are useful.
I've been considering the following phones:

- Bold 9700 (still holds 1st place) though I won't be able to play as much music because of the memory plus side 3.5 jack is a pain in the ass. What about the player quality? Didn't have the chance of testing it. My 2-day testing was enjoyable.

- Samsung Galaxy S looks great and all but the battery is said to be SHIT. Really a shame... anyone tested ?

- Iphone 3gs: good option because it's cheaper now. I know battery life is not perfect to say the least not to mention iTunes etc. If the iphone 4 was cheaper and without reception problems I would consider going for it. Not a premier choice by any means but I could test it and thought it was quite god.

Not bowled over by HTC models, they look a bit too big for me but maybe I should try them.

My Sony Ericsson w910 is almost totally dead so I need help!