Need Help with a new computer

Jan 31, 2010
Hey guys, Im looking at a new computer. The absolute highest I can go is around 1300$. Heres some comps I was looking at that I liked

Heres just some basic requirements I'd like:
at least 4 gigs of ram
Quad core processor
at least 6 USB slots (the more the merrier)
haha thats it

I have an external hard drive so space isnt a big issue. Also I have a PRESONUS firestudio 2626, so if you happen to know if it works well with these, or there is a PCI firewire card that works well with it, that would be awesome. Anyways, If theres anythign I left out just tell me.
For that price you could get an I7, 8gb of ram, Solid state drive for OS, 1TB main hard drive, and a nice video card if you build it yourself :)

For that price you could get an I7, 8gb of ram, Solid state drive for OS, 1TB main hard drive, and a nice video card if you build it yourself :)

IM still thinking about building one myself, that was the original plan actually. Idk though, these comps are actually pretty good for the price, as I really woundn't be saving THAT much and I'd have the product right in front of me already built. Idk im still debating.
I7 930 out this week- with nice air cooling overclocks to about 4.5ghz. Get the I7 9 series, not the 8 series.
EX58-UD5 motherboard
If you can afford it, a small 64GB for your OS.
Get yourself a case like the fractal define r2- its noise padded.
A SILENT psu such as a seasonic will do you some greatness.
Patriot viper ddr3 3 x 2GB ram kit.

I7 930 out this week- with nice air cooling overclocks to about 4.5ghz. Get the I7 9 series, not the 8 series.
EX58-UD5 motherboard
If you can afford it, a small 64GB for your OS.
Get yourself a case like the fractal define r2- its noise padded.
A SILENT psu such as a seasonic will do you some greatness.
Patriot viper ddr3 3 x 2GB ram kit.


any idea what this roughly comes out to? thanks

also any opnions on the computers listed?
That would come to about $1300
Your links-

1. Good gfx card, v good gaming pc
2. Same pc as 1, but no decent gfx
3. Avoid completely
4. Most future proof platform, although missing a "great" gfx card
That would come to about $1300
Your links-

1. Good gfx card, v good gaming pc
2. Same pc as 1, but no decent gfx
3. Avoid completely
4. Most future proof platform, although missing a "great" gfx card

so which one would you recomend? I think has the most power, but im in slight fear of the microtower. Because its a bit smaller will I have to worry about it burning out/ it being loud? I dont mind a little noise, but I dont want an assload.

anyways, Which one would you buy if you had to pick outta these 4 (keep in mind a great graphics card isnt that important, I dont game much.) THanks again.

EDIT: to 006, Macs are a bit to expensive for me, plus everything i have is kind of geared torwards PC aka my plugins and all that. I dont know, i wont rule em out completly.
I7 930 out this week- with nice air cooling overclocks to about 4.5ghz. Get the I7 9 series, not the 8 series.
EX58-UD5 motherboard
If you can afford it, a small 64GB for your OS.
Get yourself a case like the fractal define r2- its noise padded.
A SILENT psu such as a seasonic will do you some greatness.
Patriot viper ddr3 3 x 2GB ram kit.


Got any links about the 930 overclocking? The only ~4.5ghz Cpu-z shots I've seen are with HT turned off, which is kinda cheating.
How do build mac? But seriously I thought macs used only propiratary hardware?

No, it's definitely possible. The only thing is making sure the hardware configuration you choose is compatible, that's all. Hackintosh's (what they have been deemed) have been made by users for a long time now.

I believe there are a few guys here running one. Kazrog and I *think* drew_drummer to name a couple.

I personally would recommend just forget that and build your own PC, though, as the frustrations of getting it all working in the first place can be astronomical unless you do a lot of homework. Or so I hear...
Yea I think I'm just gonna stick with a pc. Anyways out of those 4 what would be your guys picks? I'm still keeping the idea of building a pc, but that's been covered greatly so far. Thanks guys
I personally would recommend just forget that and build your own PC, though, as the frustrations of getting it all working in the first place can be astronomical unless you do a lot of homework. Or so I hear...

I beg to differ. I did mine in one install as clean as any windows OS would have been. A retail copy of snow leopard I might add.

It isn't for everyone that's for sure, but I am proof to exhibit that it's rather easy to do. :Smug: I followed a guide step by step, even the hardware was identical, so it was easier than just winging it.

If you stick with PC, don't buy a pre assembled one. They are LOADED with bloat-ware, not something you need on a computer you will use for recording.

Also, keep your recording computer separate from your online/work/porn computer. Keep it as clean as possible.
I beg to differ. I did mine in one install as clean as any windows OS would have been. A retail copy of snow leopard I might add.

It isn't for everyone that's for sure, but I am proof to exhibit that it's rather easy to do. :Smug: I followed a guide step by step, even the hardware was identical, so it was easier than just winging it.

I'm glad your experience went well, I've just seen lots of people with issues trying to get theirs going due to hardware conflicts is all.
O absolutely. I am not trying to deny that. haha.

The only reason mine went so smoothly is because I followed specific guidelines with KNOWN hardware that was going to work. It's still limited, but much easier than it was a year or even more ago.