Need help.


i don't live, i inhale
Aug 21, 2005
I am recently starting to get into In Flames so a friend of mine lent me this mix CD of them, and they fucking kick ass. There was also this awesome song that starts with three hi-hat crashes then blasts into this heavy distorted riff, plus it's also got one of the sweetest guitar solos I've ever heard.
The problem is, I can't remember any of the lyrics from the song, and I have poor communication with the friend who lent me the cd. Does anyone know what song I'm talking about?
are there any keyboards? does the production sound great, ok, or shite?

the answer to these will narrow it down, but not much

best idea is to go and buy lunar strain/sub cd, and soundtrack to your escape and work either back or forward from there, depending on your taste.
Does the reworked version of Clad In Shadows start with two or three cymbal crashes??? I cant remember. I mean obviously its been decided it was december flower, but I was just curious and am three rooms away from my stereo.