Need Info on Samplers


Dec 23, 2001
Muskegon, MI
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Me and one of my friends this week were trying to figure out how samplers work. I recently email Martin from Hollenthon thinking that here plays a keyboard and here tells me he uses a Samplers. How do you work one can you create your own stuff off of it. I asked Martin and he did not give me to much info. He said he hooks it up to his computer and does stuff from there but how do you use it and can you create your own stuff or only the things on the sampler. I am pretty sure you can create your own things seeing that Martin does but how? Please help.
I've never had a sampler, so don't quote me on any of this...

The idea of a sampler is that you're not limited to preprogrammed sounds - you can import different sounds to use in your music. It's like you make a little recording ("sample") a sound effect, or a drum sound, or a bit of guitar riff, or a movie clip, or whatever the hell you want to include in your song, and then you can use the keys to trigger the sampler to play that sound when you want it. And you can tie different sounds to be triggered by different keys.

I hope that made at least a little sense, and helped you out a bit.
Pitchshifter started using LOTS of samples when they got out of the industrial groove.

This started by recording ANYTHING - paper ruffling, bees, spray-painting, urinating in a bucket, etcetera - that they could cram into a song with music, and add to the 'atmosphere' of the songs, making it feel like your there.

Basically, you're just getting recordings, warping them (if you want to, it's not necessary) and mixing it into your song(s)/making into song(s).

I don't have a real 'sampler' - I just use my computer and a program called "Impulse Tracker". It's great for mixing stuff/making songs (See Kushantaiidan for that. He has made some GREAT stuff with IT.)

If you want to check out IT -

If you want to read up on Pitchshifter and/or ask them about what they do,