Need Info. on Soma's........


Feb 24, 2003
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So this lady came into my work with a broken leg, she looked kind of high and was very conversational,(does that make sense?). Anyway, we were talking and I asked her if she was o.k. and maybe if she needed a glass of water or something, she just said she was on SOMA's. And I said AHHHH those are nice. Then she said yes very nice if ya can't tell all ready. LOL.
Anyway she gave me some for my tip at work, I would love to take them but she said they were from MEXICO. They are little white circular pils with some type of fish on em................................Any thoughts?
I have been taking soma for a few years now due to a herniated disc in my back. Not bad for a good night's sleep, but not really a "euphoric" drug. Is easy to build a tolerance, so I try not to take them on successive days. Knock them back with a few beers and you get a solid buzz, but obviously, watch yourself when doing that...don't wanna sleep forever.....
HemiGTX said:
I wish I had some "soma". I don't know what that is!! Okay, I'd reather have a percocet with half a valium. There! I said it Junkie! (MY preferred drugs of choice, HAPPY NOW?!?!)

Fa, take half or a quarter of pill, then see what happens. If alls well, take the other half in an hour of'll get a bit of a delayed high, but it works. That way you can make sure you don't react to it or anything.

Thanks Hemi, I took a half to start out with, then the other half a little later on, and WOW, those things are quite nice, along with 2 rum and coke's I was feeling great.