need input from experienced drum dudes


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
I understand this is one of those personal preference topics, but hopefully you guys can throw me a few ideas.

Looking to buy my drummer a new kick batter head for XMas. Not sure how he's gone a few years now with the crap stock head on...... =/ Drummers......

Well, my buddy has the Evans EMAD head, with the dampening foam rings included. The thing sounds awesome.

I've heard good stuff about the Powerstrokes too,

Basically looking for a good solid low end with a healthy amount of click/attack.

Can you guys throw me any ideas?
From my experience, you may go with Powerstroke or Aquarian super kick. I had EMAD for a while - it's great for rehearsing, mostly because it has this nice dampening ring. But after putting a mic on a bass drum, whole magic is suddenly gone. It seems like only good thing about that head is aforementioned ring. Without it, bass drum doesnt sound so good. Another downside - that plastic thingy holding the foam ring will start to fall off quickly. Mine started to break about 3 months after I bought it. I've been giging a lot that time though, so that may be the reason.
Powerstroke is a no-brainer here. Good amound of resonance, sounds killer especially on bigger bass drums (22"+) and on lower tunings it's not cartboard-ish.
I haven't played on Aquarian, but i've heard one (that was on gretch catalina, so not top end drums, but the drummer was good ;) ) - nice low end and pretty defined click.
I'd recommend the Evans EQ4 - very similar in sound to a Remo PS3 but with the Level 360 technology it seats better on the drum.
Can't go wrong with an Remo Powerstroke or Evans EQ3, it makes a difference if it's an clear or coated head though.
IMO Clear heads have more attack and coated heads have more warmth but a little less punch.

I can definitely recommend getting a Falam Slam as well, it adds a tad more attack and help you last your drummers head way longer
Thanks a ton guys!!!

I ended up choosing the Powerstroke 3 because it seems the most raved about. Will eventually report back about how he likes it.
Good choice, can't go wrong with a powerstroke 3 clear. I mic alot of different kicks at gigs and if I get a great sounding kick I go check out what head the guy is using, I'd say 4/5 times its a clear PS3.
I always get great results with Evans EQ4 and Remo PS3. Been using the PS3 lately and loving it.
Always dug my EMADs. They make a heavyweight version with two ply 10 mil that I want for my next metal session.

My friend has one and it sounds pretty damn good, I think. Though it also has to do with his tuning, dampening and he's got the bigger, centered port-hole as well which seems to make a big difference rather than the off-set smaller ones.
I always thought the emad sounded pretty good in the room, terrible under the mic. Same with the superkicks.

Remo PS3 all the way.
I won't say anything new. Always preferred Powerstroke 3. Then there was a session when we had to buy some EQ4's instead and I loved them just as much. And there was a case when drummer insisted on his favourite model which sounded best in his room. It was EMAD and it was the weirdest sounding kick under the mic, especially comparing to EQ4. And especially tuned low.
So the head comes with a 2 1/2" Falam Slam pad, but I'm fairly sure it's probably only for a single pedal. I ended up buying him one for a double, but it's 4 1/2" instead of 2 1/2", which just came in today. Figured it would be a good idea to get the bigger one but now I'm worried that it's too big and may hinder the sound of the head. Any input on this?
I've managed to use a 2 1/2 for double kick players, though if you've got the double pad then you're better to go with that. I don't think the extra mass from the bigger pad will make a huge difference to the sound (you're probably sticking a pillow in the kick anyway right?)
Sorry to bump this old thread, but any advice for the resonant kick head? I'm currently using an EMAD there, ut I haven't compared it directly to anything else. I have a powerstroke 3 on the batter
Our drummer uses the EQ3 on reso head. He actually just put his Powerstroke on about a month ago. It sounds good, not quite the difference I was hoping for compared to his old stock head but definitely better.