Need opinions-- hair

Hey peoples. I know this is...probably annoying to most on the board, but I am in dire need of opinions! I was wondering or not whether to dye my hair black or not. I ask because half of my friends say no, half say yes. I know in the end it's my hair and what other people think isn't paramount, but I don't want to look...mismatched? I suppose that's what I mean.

Also: Slightly amusing story. My one very best friend from childhood and I were driving in my car. We were listening to music, and I was talking to her about Nevermore. She doesn't really listen to metal, more so classic rock and grunge. She says: "Ah yes Nevermore, I love them!" I was surprised, because Nevermore are so...awesome, and metal, and I just didn't expect this. So the next day when we were on a small road trip, I put on Nevermore, and she made this disgusted face and shrieked: "What IS this shit!?" I gasped in horror, "Dude this is Nevermore!" She was like, "Oh I thought you were talking about the band with the song with that video with the fish!" ...yeah she thought I was talking about FAITH NO MORE ::shakes head::. But today she admitted to liking Nevermore! Yay CONVERT! And said she finds WD's voice rather sexy, and Loomis' guitar playing rather suave. an amazing day haha.


But any opinions would be appreciated. Here are some horrible, but only recent pictures:


I know I look..insane, but is good to judge hair on.


Sorry I am being incessantly neurotic, but, but, but black is a big step from brown haha. Thanks.
You could die your hair a very unnatural shade of blonde and make a lot of money

turning tricks in ho-tels.

I can be the professional agent/manager. I will not wear purple suits and fur coats though. A fur hat, maybe. I will use a walking stick.
I say you're an ass. A sexy ass, but an ass none the less.

Sexy Kurva.

Anyways, don't do it. You have beautiful hair as it is. :)
I suspect how you style it will affect how it looks more than strictly the color. However, your natural color is quite lovely. At most I'd say go with some sort of hightlighting or tinting, but not a complete change. As Derek eloquently put it, natural hair color always looks best.
Normally I wouldn't reply, but I have a think for Hunter so I figured I'd say something. You know he invited his entire family over before he ended his life then had himself shot out of a cannon? In typical fashion. A beautiful man.
Normally I wouldn't reply, but I have a think for Hunter so I figured I'd say something. You know he invited his entire family over before he ended his life then had himself shot out of a cannon? In typical fashion. A beautiful man.

::nods:: I think his life was more fascinating and interesting than his work. Well...sort of levels out. I LOVE the Rum Diary. Have you read?
Of course. I like the duality to his written work, but his life had such a pissed off reflective quality that I can associate with. Maybe visionary is the wrong word, but Hunter had some real balls and was one of this planets true originals.

I like to think of him as a less gay Oscar Wilde, but maybe that's just me.