What do your parents or roomates...

Dec 30, 2002
Olympia WA
think of Nevermore and the other music you listen to?

My mother is cool enough to not comment on it. Some stuff she likes but if she doesn't she stays silent. She also doesn't care how loud I play it.
My bother listens to some of the stuff that I do so he doesn't care. The last couple months he has started liking Nevermore and I predict that after the show on Saturday he will love them.
My mom hates anything with electric guitars, but my dad is cool. He likes classic rock and doesn't mind metal. He teaches me to play metal on guitar, so I don't mind.

I think you know what my brother's musical preferences are.
My dad listens to oldies, so he's out. My mother likes classic rock, but hates anything too heavy. My sister likes dumb random shit, but one of her friends likes Arch Enemy.
My mom thinks the music i listen to is demonic..one time she did comment on Opeth when i was listening to Damnation...
Mom: "Hey, thats nice! what is it?"
Me: "Um..hehhahah! a band called Opeth...trust me this is just one record...the rest is well.."
Mom: "Well they are talented...thats lovely sounding!"
A few days later i was listening to Orchid...
Mom: "Whoa what the hell is that? that sounds demonic!"
Me: "Heh..its the same band you praised not long ago...hahah!"
Mom: "umm...well then! they need to get their shit together!"
:lol::lol: that made me laugh so hard!
one time i was listening to Amon Amarth at high volumes and my mom told me that her and dad were sitting in the living room...
Dad: "what is that she's listening to?"
Mom: "I...dont know..."
Dad: "does it have to be so damn loud?"
i come out some time later...
Mom: "What was that noise?"
Me: "I wouldnt worry about it..they sing about Odin...not Satan!"
Mom was asking me who i was gonna go see on Friday since she was talking to my aunt...i told her and she said "Well either way the names sounded like devil spawn!"
:lol: ha! i corrected her and told her only one of those bands sings about Satan...:)
my friend (coming to the show with us) is like "Wow! thats some pretty godless metal!" i say "Yes, and you shall like it!" he says "Damn straight!" by the time the show is over, he will love Nevermore...
I have successfully corrupted my fiance (HC) to listening to my music...
dead6skin6mask6 said:
my brother listens to NSYNC and Nelly, while being 21
Creeeeeeeeeeepy... and very, very wrong.

I played "Deconstruction" for my mom once because I wanted her to hear the accoustic solo. She listened to the first few lines of the song, though... "Christ is a weapon that chisels out our lives..." and she thought it was something negative about Jesus... I made her listen to the DNB cd in the car a few times and I guess she doens't mind it. She's into some of the more "mainstream" stuff I listen to, like she really likes Godsmack, minus all of the profanity, manily because we saw them in concert a few weeks ago.
My showed my dad the lyrics of "The Tianammin (sp?) Man" and "Timothy Leary" (because he referrs to Timothey Leary as "good ol' Tim and I have a suspiscion that he' s a little bit more knoledgable on acid than he's letting on... even though he's Canadian...) and I guess he thought they were "interesting" or something.
I gave one friend of mine some Nevermore song titles to check out, since she started singing "The Sound of Silence" when we were on the phone once, and I surprised her by also knowing that song and then telling her "Oh, this metal band that I like covers that song..." I asked her about it the next day and she claimed that their cover "scared" her. Hehehe, oh well.
My brother, who has lost his soul to skateboaring as of late, is into moderatly good music... He's been holding various cds of mine hostage for about a month- Metallica's And Justice for All and Pantera's Cowboys from Hell. I played some Immolation for him and 2 of his friends. I guess Ethan and his friend Mikey (who're 11) thought it was okay, might've been kinda scared. Daniel (who's like 13 or something) said he liked it a lot. I'm not even going to try some of the other stuff I listen to on these kids, though. Try getting skater punks with an average age of 12 to appriciate Nevermore or My Dying Bride... I think it'd be amusing to watch them sit still and listen to "Black Rose Immortal" by Opeth, actually... hahaha...
My sister, she's 11 and she loves all of that rap bullshit. And she likes Good Charlotte...
I'm perfectly content being the crazy one of the family who is interested in all of the things that scare everyone else, though.

BlackwaterNymph said:
I just get the really insightful, original "it sounds satanic" comments from my parents and friends. And the "well shit *I* can growl like that, give me a record deal" sorts of comments. Uh huh, sure.

God, no, not those "witty comebacks" of theirs.
Yeah, then they proceed to make some sort of grunting noise and say they can sound like Mikael Akerfeldt too. Fuckheads. Then they proceed to put on their "TRANCE MIXXXXXX 2003 PARTAAAAAAAAAAY" cds at work. Then I stab them with my pen.
my parents are way down in texas...and my roomate is chromatose haha. but my parents were always cool with what i listen to. my dad just thought it was funny really. i had arch enemy playing in the backyard once, and he came out and started running around the yard with hims arms flailing about screaming, "we're demons we're demons! we're from hell! you're going to hell!!!"....what a sight for the new neighbors :lol:




I AM the leafslaying basketeer. Fear me!!!

It's just a flesh wound...

Carnivorous Cheeses!!!

ct_thrash said:
my parents are way down in texas...and my roomate is chromatose haha. but my parents were always cool with what i listen to. my dad just thought it was funny really. i had arch enemy playing in the backyard once, and he came out and started running around the yard with hims arms flailing about screaming, "we're demons we're demons! we're from hell! you're going to hell!!!"....what a sight for the new neighbors :lol:www.renegadejuggling.com
Hehehe, cute story. I had the lyrics to Danzig's "I Luciferi" in a notebook at work one time...one of the psycho Baptists found my notebook and flipped through it, read the lyrics and proclaimed me a satan worshipper. That got around and my old boss had a "talk" with me after. "So, Samantha.......how do I put this? ...LUCIFER. What do you think of that?" Tell ya what, people leave me alone though.
My mom doesn't really mind. She enjoys Opeth's acoustic stuff and Dream Theater. My neighbors also don't mind how loud my music is. It's great.
My folks can accept my music as long as there's no growls, and even skip to try to bring down the volume on the sly (yeah, good luck with that one! I'm doing _concentrated_ listening here) when playing things like Iced Earth and Motorhead.

BlackwaterNymph said:
...I had the lyrics to Danzig's "I Luciferi" in a notebook at work one time...one of the psycho Baptists found my notebook and flipped through it, read the lyrics and proclaimed me a satan worshipper. That got around and my old boss had a "talk" with me after. "So, Samantha.......how do I put this? ...LUCIFER. What do you think of that?" Tell ya what, people leave me alone though.
:lol: :lol:

I'm happy most (semi-)christians here (in Sweden) doesn't take such things very seriously. No one would point anyone out beeing a satanist by some squibblings in a notebook for sure. (No one ought to do it anywhere) Older people would probably either just joke about it or show you a little more respect (if they would care at all).

Once, out late at night being drunk with a couple of new friends, I suddently realized that we were heading for a Christian café, and I asked them if they were christians. They said: "Yeah, and what are you? A satanist?" (they knew my musical taste). And I, in a serious state of intoxication, said that yes, I am "sort of a satanist" (which isn't true, more of a satanism-inspired agnostic/ateist, always exaggerating when drunk :) ). No reaction. But sitting in that café felt odd. It felt like some fanatic suddently would point at me and scream "He's not one of the believers! He's worshipping the Horned one! Burn him! Buuurrrrn him!" Drunken fantasies for sure, ehehehe...

I'm happy most (semi-)christians here (in Sweden) doesn't take such things very seriously. No one would point anyone out beeing a satanist by some squibblings in a notebook for sure. (No one ought to do it anywhere) Older people would probably either just joke about it or show you a little more respect (if they would care at all).
Yeah, believing or not here doesn't really make a large difference, people dont always shun you for that. (heh, shunnn)

My mom's pretty cool with it, I tried and expaining what the lyrics meant... I read up a line, and she said, "thats pretty deep. At least they know what theyre talking about".... :)

My dad on the other hand, most of the stuff i listen to he disapproves of. He's an old guy with old taste. Among other things. Ya know, Neal Young, and that stuff. He has a strange view on what stuff is evil, and drugs, among other things. Also probably a little more knowledgable then I think...
One day he found my old ITMB Sanctuary cd, and came up to me, trying to explain what was on the cover. He called it evil. And he said I didnt know what I was getting into, and that i should watch out.
Jeez, and I havent been listening to this for the latest five years? :err:
My Brother is into pretty much the same stuff that I am. Since he is older I used to steal his Vinyl, now he steals my CDs.
My parents normally don't comment on the music I listen to. Every now and then they may comment on liking a Ballad off of a metal CD, DT-silent man or something like that.
Sad to say my brother's little girl likes POP bands and Country ( she lives with her mom and her mom has NO taste in music )

I was Producing this bands music one and my Niece came in the room and said the music scared her, then asked why the man was growling like a monster?