Need some help to find some new bands...


An Unsolved Riddle
Mar 6, 2013
First of all I'm not sure if this is the right "section" to ask this but I'll go with it... So it has been hard for me lately to find new bands. Personaly I prefer Death Metal but now I want to find some Death Metal with "atmosphere". These small sound effects that is "filling up" the song. I'm not sure how to really explain since english isn't my main language. So here's some examples:

any bands you guys can suggest?
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Not really what I want but at least I found some new bands that was good. In the beginning of the Fallujah songs there's the sounds that creates an atmosphere for the song, makes it sound more complete. In the Wintersun song in the beginning it also creates an atmosphere with the instrument and the girl. That is the kind of songs I'm looking for, this might sound weird but anyway. When I listen to the 2 Fallujah songs it feels like I'm in the space and with the Wintersun song it feels like I'm in a "magic forest". I want to find more songs/bands that can create those feelings.
Well depends on bands and how they sound for me. Having a hard time to like some Black Metal, I'm more of a Death Metal and all sub genres that comes with it (Technical DM, Melodic DM, Brutal DM and so on) and Thrash Metal person. But I like Darkthrone, Dimmu Borgir, Watain.