need some nice DVD's


Oct 13, 2002
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i'm looking for some cool DVD's to pick up.. any suggestions anyone? i want DVD's of bands playing live... watching it (or listening to a badass song) gives me that "tingle", you guys know what i'm talking about. it's that spine tingle you get right before you get really pumped up. it's an adrenaline rush, or testerone rush, or something.

but anyway.. does COB have any DVDs? just list some bands that have some cool DVDs out. i know Nightwish and Dimmu each recently put out DVDs.
Century Media 10th anniversary - Featuring two best fucking bands - Shadows Fall AND!!

Emperor - Emperial Live Ceremony....
Best shit!! the volume is a little low (but High quality, just turn the volume up), but this is a truly good DVD, well edited, great songs, Worth IT!!!!


ok that's it.
Nightwish - From Wishes to Eternity live
I got this DVD a year ago and i STILL watch it.... its one my of #1 favorites!
OH the new mystic festavel DVD is awsome cob plays 4 songs on it... but you need a european DVD player or a code free (which I have) to play it because its in PAL format.
Originally posted by bodomite
OH the new mystic festavel DVD is awsome cob plays 4 songs on it... but you need a european DVD player or a code free (which I have) to play it because its in PAL format.

Where do you buy that DVD in dollars?
Is the only good band on that COB?:confused:
how do you know if your DVD player can support PAL format? any easy way to find out or do i have to... read the manual ...?
yes or llok up your dvd player model online.... if it plays pal thats good.... but then you have another problem... even if it plays pal discs cannt be viewed on ameican TVs... our TVs use the NTSC standard so then you would have to go out and buy a PAL decoder which is $100 or more...

there is one loophole though PAL discs will play on ANY computer that has a DVD drive
The Cradle Of Filth DVD "Heavy, Left Handed And Candid" is fucking cool. Even if you don't like the music of these guys, the behind the scenes shit is too funny!