Need some tips for an album


Viva Lonliness!
Mar 8, 2002
The Third Place
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I got a "check" on a cd yesterday and I would glady take any advice what kind of album I should buy. I am a bit confused because I don't know if I should buy a cd I never heard before and I thought that maybe you guys could help me. I was planning on finishing my DT collection coz Projector is the only cd I don't have as an original album. But that would be quite boring since I always buy "sure-tip" albums that I know are good. I want to try something different.

A few of my own choses:

1. Messhugha: Destry, Improve...
2. The latest from Messhugha...don't know the title
3. Opeth - Deliverence
4: The Kovenant - the cult album, don't recall the title, something with "light".

Come on, give me a helping hand here:D
But I have never really listened to Opeth that much except for some few songs and I friends is getting a copy of Black Water Park for me this week, so should I still get Deliverence?

/seventi (confussion lies in all my words)
The fact is that i don't know Meshuggah and The Kovenant so well, while i love Opeth. ;)
If you aren't that much into Opeth, maybe you should go for something else.. i don't know. :D

Buy the one that winks at you first... oh well, i'd go for projector.. :D
@Seventi: I do agree with Miolo (again), Opeth is a wonderful band that mixes strenght, melody and ability. Black Water Park is one of the best albums, check out the song "The Drappery Falls", you won't get disappointed. Just listen to BWP first, and then decide about Deliverance. ;) In my personal case, I find them a bit depressing for my tastes, but it's just from my subjective sight.

On the other hand, Projector is THE album when talking about Dark Tranquillity, in my honest opinion. You SHOULD buy it. :D

The name "Stormwarrior" doesn't sounds me familiar, but it doesn't sound so well either. :rolleyes:

@Miolo: Symphony X, Jorn Lande, Opeth... are you my italian clon? :p ;)

Originally posted by seventi
How about a band called Stormwarrior? I know this is power metal, but anyone heard of it?

I've heard them. They've been compared to old Helloween a lot and for very good reasons. If you like Walls of Jericho you'll probably enjoy Stormwarrior.
You can download some songs at
@|ngenius: that's my problem with Opeth too, too depressing for my tastes, but they're still an amazing band. ;) and yes, i'm probably your italian clone, though i'm not a robot. :p
by the way, i have terrible news about Lande: according to an italian website (usually well informed) he left Ark to dedicate himself completely to Masterplan. :cry:

@seventi: do a favour to yourself and don't get Stormwarrior. :rolleyes:

@Miolo: As he did with Millenium. When he started touring with Yngwie Boasteen, he said pridefully: "I'm still the official singer of Millenium". Who's he now? I guess he's dancing with all the girls of the party, and he can do it. :p ($_$)

I sincerely prefer the work he did with Ark than the new cut you've sent me, but let's see what's preparing that klingon of a priceless voice...

@|ngenius: i prefer what he did with Ark too, and though i'm sure the Masterplan album will be just great, i was hoping he'd stayed in both bands. :p

now i wonder who will replace him in Ark. :rolleyes:

Sorry to interfere in your little discussion :)p), but i think Opeth's best is My Arms Your Hearse and Still Life.
BWP is not my favourite, even though it has some amazing songs on it. Maybe what i don't like about it is that it's not a concept album like the two aforementioned ones.
brave siren:) i think still life cant be repeated,its so divine and one of my all time favs.and your arguments are logically should be a lawyer.:p

@seventi:i heard projector after haven(the first i got) and i'd just bought a so i couldnt the flames.
if its got a decent booklet and all you should get it now!(the artwork is a biit...gloomy)i still have it copied:eek:
first burned haven,but wasnt capable of stayin much time away of its booklet...:)