Negura Bunget vs. Nokturnal Mortum

Who is teh winnar?

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Erik said:
I think ToV is great. It's fiercely original too; while it's possible to draw comparisons to epic Bathory and Graveland stuff there's NOTHING that sounds quite like it.
OK good. I thought I was the only one to think of Graveland while listening to ToV. In fact, that might be a slight reason I think so highly of it.

Sidenote: NM's cover of "Thurisaz" on Return of the Vampire Lord/Marble Moon is really quite good. A little faster, and replace a lot of Graveland's synths with some of those folk instruments they use, and there you go. They also cover Burzum's "My Journey to the Stars".
Erik said:
Yep. "NeChrist," too, has that trademark Ukrainan shit guitar sound. I wonder what happened with "To the Gates..." Must have gotten themselves a professional producer on that one. I think the drums are a bit too upfront on that one, but everything is clear, atmospheric and brutal as fuck.
Yeah too right, but the shame of it all is, "To the Gates..." is probably my least fave NM album. It's not bad, but not as good as the others. It is more brutal for sure, but I think I prefer when NM are being ambient, folky, or epic. Basically, less war-like.

By the way, people who like Hate Forest's Battlefields should really check out Taste of Victory as well. Rather than segregate two music forms, NM managed to combine them quite succesfully.

"Goat Horns" = 11/10 WORSHIP OR DIE. That album absolutely slays from start to finish and I doubt they'll ever top it.
You could be right. Lunar Poetry tends to faff around a bit whereas Goat Horns grabs you and doesn't let go.
Although I only have Goat Horns, I really don't see how these two bands can be compared, especially if Goat Horns is the best they have to offer. It's damn good, but I don't feel compelled to pick anything else up by the band, whereas I collected all the Negura Bunget I could post haste.
I have 4 Negura CDs, and 7 NM CDs, and I choose NM a lot. I rarely pick up Negura, and if I do, it's usually N Crugu. I think that first song is quite excellent, but they are unable to keep me interested for the most part.

Negura just get a little too ambient at times for me. I like the epic, folky sounds of NM, and it doesn't hurt that Varggoth can write some mean orchestral pieces.
NAD said:
Although I only have Goat Horns, I really don't see how these two bands can be compared, especially if Goat Horns is the best they have to offer. It's damn good, but I don't feel compelled to pick anything else up by the band, whereas I collected all the Negura Bunget I could post haste.
Seems like quite a few people have only heard Goat Horns. Personally, I always preferred Lunar Poetry, the debut. This could just be because of the absolutely magnificent "Perun's Celestial Silver" which must be one of the best songs ever.
I'm more asking which other Nokturnal Mortum I should pick up than challenging anyone's opinion. :p I see the names NeChrist and Lunar Poetry being thrown around a lot, probably should just get one of those eventually?
NAD said:
I'm more asking which other Nokturnal Mortum I should pick up than challenging anyone's opinion. :p I see the names NeChrist and Lunar Poetry being thrown around a lot, probably should just get one of those eventually?
Not at all. Since you didn't really like Goathorns, I would recommend Taste of Victory especially since you like Hate Forest's Battlefields so much. Just live with a pointless DVD box with pictures of dead Nazi infantrymen, 4 swastikas on a wooden shield, and this footnote:

"Nokturnal Mortum & Oriana Records is a proud member of The Pagan Front. We hold high the banner of white aryan supremacy. JOIN US! WE ARE THE FUTURE!"

"Search your feelings father, I know there is good in you"

"Join the darkside, or die!"

Hahaha. I didn't say I didn't like Goat Horns, it just didn't blow me away. It's like between a 7/10 and 8/10 album for me, whereas all Negura Bunget albums are at least 9/10. Yes I love love love Battlefields, maybe should get Taste for Victory...

Is NeChrist comparable to Nattens Madrigal in terms of harshness, or is it a different beast altogether?
NAD said:
Hahaha. I didn't say I didn't like Goat Horns, it just didn't blow me away. It's like between a 7/10 and 8/10 album for me, whereas all Negura Bunget albums are at least 9/10.
Right, so why settle for getting more that isn't going to push the score out? If you think Goat Horns deserves a 7/10 say, then you'll probably think the same with Lunar Poetry. For your own tastes, you deserve better!

Yes I love love love Battlefields, maybe should get Taste for Victory...
Or Nechrist like Erik says. The orchestrations use real violins and stuff. But I just think that you *specifically* would appreciate the production on ToV, the cultural sounds, the progressiveness of it all. It's good songwriting where all these elements sit together quite nicely, and it's a loaded EP so you should be able to get it cheap*. And then maybe work backwards?

I'm just going with what your general opinion of BM is thus far (I think). :)

*EDIT: It's on Supernal for 7 quid:

EDIT 2: Shit, I forgot about the crappy exchange rate - it's $13. OK get a CD-R then. :loco:
Cool, thanks fer da info. Not going to buy any CDs for several months anyhow, but I shall consult these last posts come October. That's prime black metal time anyhow. Maybe I'll ask for some CD-R's first even, just to make sure. :Spin:

Concerning Goat Horns, it may still be growing on me and I must admit that it's one CD I keep going back to so I at least like it that much. I just usually don't listen to it all the way through.
You can send any you want with the next promos and I shall hug you and pet you and call you George. :loco:
Gems such as Verity and Voice of Steel compared to current NB duds put both bands on equal footing. I'll give the cunt hair's edge to NM based on the fact that they're more apt to produce another gem, while gimme gimme Negru Bungie is dead in the water.

Probably the closest matchup in a band v band matchup one could make. Should do another poll.
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Need to rephrase my first sentence. I meant current Negura Bunget duds. Voice of Steel AND Verity put them at the same level of NB. Both albums fucking destroy. Verity coukd win this tournament. Top 8 is a give in.
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