never a F-word


leave this world behind
May 3, 2008
a good place in germany
sorry for wasting time here
but I noticed that ther are no words
with "fuck" or "shit" (bull) in the nevermore lyrics.
If Iam right the only exception is "Salvations fuckin Death" in
Create the Infinite from "EOR".
Iam just curious what the reason for it is..

man Iam so much into the lyrics! o_O
TGE "Tell me what this fucking life is for."

Or something along those lines.
well if you can make your point without using the F-word... more power to ya.

IMO saying fuck in a song may decrease the overall quality of the song.
I really don't care about the use of language in a song. While the use of "fucking" may seem immature, it is a quick and effective way to imply anger/seriousness.
Yesterday was plagued with rain, like silent drops of velvet pain...........
Will you rule,Remember the sub bass player at studio seven in seattle, you got on stage and rocked out for no more will.Whats up?