

The god of nothing
Apr 11, 2005
Umm, this might be little bit crazy(and this kind of threads might be hundreds), but how did you get your first touch with Symphony X's music? I got when i heard Evolution(The Grand Design)'s polyphonic ringtone. It was awesome, i was like "This might be the best heavymetal ringtone i've ever heard", and i have it now on my mobilephone. I think, that Symphony X rocks harder than Children Of Bodom(yeah, you heard right...).
Simple...somebody at the Opeth board PMed me and said they had an album for me to check out.

It was The Odyssey...ironically, I didn't care for it very much and almost gave up on SymX. Then I happened to find V at the CD store. I fell in love with the cover art, gave the band another chance...and became a fan!

P.S.: I still don't like The Odyssey very much, as an entire album. ;)
Waltman666 said:
Umm, this might be little bit crazy(and this kind of threads might be hundreds), but how did you get your first touch with Symphony X's music? I got when i heard Evolution(The Grand Design)'s polyphonic ringtone. It was awesome, i was like "This might be the best heavymetal ringtone i've ever heard", and i have it now on my mobilephone. I think, that Symphony X rocks harder than Children Of Bodom(yeah, you heard right...).

where did you get the ringtone? I can't get the ones from their site to work :P
someone told me to check them out at a forum, and I checked out "Pharoah." At first I wasn't too fond of it because the tone hurt my ears for some reason, but I got used to it and started downloading more songs from the DWOT album. I heard the Sea of lies and Eyes of medusa and was hooked. I then went out and bought "The Odyssey" and that was of my new favorites was born! I now have every S-X album.
I heard someone drop the name 'Symphony X' in the same sentence in which he mentioned 'Dream Theater'. So I surfed to Amazon and listened to some crappy .ram sample of Evolution, and I was blown away by hearing it.
A friend of mine lent me DWOT looong time ago.. I didn't really care much for about a year... Then I rediscovered it, and then SX was my favourite band for at least 3-4 years. Now I have to rediscover it again (my brother stole me most of my SX cds)
My friend had shown me Sea of Lies and Of Sins and Shadows I think, and I was well impressed, so I went out and bought V and listened to it solid for a month.
A friend of mine brought to me a tape with some mixed songs, but the first one I heard was The Eyes of Medusa. When the intro started, I just said: "WOW! Is this the new Pantera recording?!" He said: "No, this is a US prog-metal band call'd Symphony X". Then, I heard Twilight in Olympus recorded on MiniDisc and it was my first SyX CD. Then I bought TDWOT, Damnation Game, Symphony X, V (as soon as it was released) and The Odyssey (the same on that). It is by far my prefered band!