:kickass: Tell me about it!

If Nevermore dare pull out of my 25th birthday celebration, I shall become pissed and violent.
In saying that though Nevermore are a bigger name band than any of the bands on the bill for Metal for Skott. It's easier for underage people to hear more "popular"/well known bands than local bands... That's probably part of the reason. In saying that though - we'll see. Didn't Nevermore get a really shit turnout last time they hit Sydney, years ago?
Nevermore got a shit turnout in Melbourne a number of years back too, but that was before anyone other than community radio listeners knew them.

I went to shitloads of underage gigs back in the day. Shitloads. There was a real scene, mainly involving rock bands like The Meanies and Tumbleweed, which in turn resulted in more than the odd international band playing underage gigs too. Those were the days.
MeKaChrOme said:
In saying that though Nevermore are a bigger name band than any of the bands on the bill for Metal for Skott

Well derr haha

I was just using it as an example. It's almost a common ritual these days though, a tour gets announced and every forum is inundated with "is it all ages" questions. I've lost count of how many times I've told people that if it was all ages, they would have advertised it as such
heh fair enough, I was just trying to say it's a bit unfair to compare small local bands to huge international acts ;-)
Haha sorry, it takes me a while to switch. I still refer to Footscray FC rather than the Western Bulldogs.
Oct. 28 - Melbourne, AUS @ The Corner Hotel
Oct. 29 - Adelaide, AUS @ Fowlers Live
Oct. 31 - Perth, AUS @ Amplifier Bar
Nov. 02 - Brisbane, AUS @ Arena Complex
Nov. 03 - Sydney, AUS @ Roxy Theatre (all ages)
Nov. 04 - Sydney, AUS @ Gaelic Theatre (18+)
Dreaming Neon Black was pretty cool.. I thought Enemies Of Reality sucked though, and though This Godless Endeavour is good, it still wasn't up to the standard of Dead Heart....
Dead Heart is an absolute classic, so I don't mind if none of their others reach that standard. I like Enemies Of Reality almost as much though, it has some awesome songs. The remixed version is better, but I never really minded the original. I own both. Dreaming Neon Black and This Godless Endeavour are on about the same level I think...great albums, but a little filler.