Nevermore - Birmingham, UK (6/10/06)

Jan 27, 2005
Great show last night in the birthplace of metal :headbang: Great to finally see Chris play and he looked like he was really enjoying himself up on stage!

Steph: All my live piccies were rubbish (so I won't post them!) but look who I bumped into on the way out:




Thanks for being patient Chris and answering all my dumb questions! It was a pleasure meeting you :worship:
Rich - Rannoch said:

Thanks for the photos Rich!!! You guys look like you should be in a band together. Especially in the last shot of you guys showing your IQ. Ahahahah:headbang: You rule!

P.S. Was Chris a dick in real life?

And what's with the ghost in this shot? Is that smoke.

Hahaha....that was Chris's idea to do the 'fingers' shot! I'm not sure about the wierd smoke effect (maybe it was a ghost?!?). I gave the camera to a young lad and at first he managed to get it the wrong way around with the screen pointing at us and the lens at himself! :loco:

You think we look like we should be in a band together? Haha.....I wish.

And no Steph, Chris wasn't a dick in real life, though he probably thought I was! I caught him as he was taking some gear to the bus but he still stopped and chatted etc.

Oh yeah, here's a couple more:

I'm not sure if the hand over my shoulder was on the poster or whether it was Chris's giant guitar hand! :lol:


And a rubbish live shot:

Rich -

1. I just noticed you have one of the old-school Nevermore star tees. The stars now point down.

2. Chris is always friendly and gracious, i just like messin' with him

3. Your live photo isn't that bad. It's a hair blurry cause of movement and no flash, but post more live shots if you have em.

4. THAT VIDEO RULES. I love that you got chris for the Enemies Solo.
MetalSteph said:
Rich -

1. I just noticed you have one of the old-school Nevermore star tees. The stars now point down.

2. Chris is always friendly and gracious, i just like messin' with him

3. Your live photo isn't that bad. It's a hair blurry cause of movement and no flash, but post more live shots if you have em.

4. THAT VIDEO RULES. I love that you got chris for the Enemies Solo.

Steph -

1. Yes, I stole it from Loomis :lol: No, I didn't really. I got it off eBay from some bloke in Germany. I was quite chuffed at finding that because they're quite rare.

2. He is indeed. :worship:

3. I know, but then again I was right in the middle of a seething mass of sweaty bodies :headbang:

4. If you follow the link on YouTube you can see some more. There's also a much longer one (of Jeff mostly) from Nottingham, UK last year. I've got loads more which I can upload if you're interested including some of the London show when they were recording TGE. Sorry about the sound being out of sync. It's YouTube, not me!
Rich - Rannoch said:
Steph -

1. Yes, I stole it from Loomis :lol: No, I didn't really. I got it off eBay from some bloke in Germany. I was quite chuffed at finding that because they're quite rare.

2. He is indeed. :worship:

3. I know, but then again I was right in the middle of a seething mass of sweaty bodies :headbang:

4. If you follow the link on YouTube you can see some more. There's also a much longer one (of Jeff mostly) from Nottingham, UK last year. I've got loads more which I can upload if you're interested including some of the London show when they were recording TGE. Sorry about the sound being out of sync. It's YouTube, not me!

Yes, we are all interested in seeing the videos.