nevermore groupies

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Could U Please Stop This Shit???
Stop Thinking That The Guys Of Nevermore Are Stupid N Only Interested In Sex, Warrel Is The Best Person In The World.
If U See This, All My Love, Dear.
I could not have said it better... you definitely rule mgp!!!!!!
I am in one of the fan pics and NO! I DID NOT!
There are guys in fan pics too..why is it that just because
you are female that you automatically have a "different" reason
for liking a band? I have been a metal fan most of my life and have
never slept with any band member that i was a fan of.

mgp said:
Of course, they could have sex with 10 girls each for all I care, I just don't think they're the type to treat their female fans like hoes, nor do I think the chicks in the pics need to be disrespected the way you did them.
I'm all for anyone to have a good time, I just don't like the way you portrayed female Nevermore fans - it wasn't cool. Have some respect for the guys in NVM's girlfriends who may read this board as well.
I've been into metal 13 out of my 28 years, and I get sick and tired of people thinking I want to fuck one of the guys in a band I like because I'm into them. That's all.
I think the Neverscore comment is hilarious - I don't think WD would call the band that if they were out to score chicks at every show. But JMHO. I'm sure if he tried, WD could get laid at every show! :) But like I said, I think the guys have too much respect for themselves and others to act like that. (and I'm not including Curran in that comment, LOL)
Wow, talk about a blast from the past! :tickled:
I sure was being pretty dang fiesty that day! Ah well, I meant what I said though, nice to see someone agree with me for once!
Lol, yeah just because we are females and like Nevermore does NOT mean we want to screw them. I would love to meet them just to chat it up... but that's it.
this has to be the dumbest thread topic ever!

i'm sorry but anyone who knows the Nevermore boys knows they are not out to score with the ladies. Van has a girlfriend and so does Jim. The last I knew so did Jeff. Whenever I see these guys, and that is quite a lot since they are hometown boys, they are always hanging together. Sure girls go up to them and get hugs, who fucking cares?? I've hugged Jim a few times myself! Point is all of the members of Nevermore are extremely nice and very well behaved in public.

My 2 cents.
It's pretty offensive to say females are fans of a band because they want to sleep with them.

Could U Please Stop This Shit???
Stop Thinking That The Guys Of Nevermore Are Stupid N Only Interested In Sex, Warrel Is The Best Person In The World.
If U See This, All My Love, Dear.

You're a moron. Go away.