Nevermore is good music to listen to when one is depressed....

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
...and I know how lame and stupid that sounds, especially to those who will catagorize me as a "whiny nu-metal teen." But it's true. They are one of the few bands that I really like who don't make depressing music or focus all of their music on being depressed. And when I'm depressed, I've found that depressing music is probobly the last thing I want to listen to. And for those ofyou who will flame me for this, remember, I am a 14(15 in a month) yr. old female who lives in Maryland... and that's pretty damn depressing. I also remember someone doing a thread about how they thought Nevermore are a depressed band (I think it was rebirth) and I honestly don't tknow how anyone would say that when Nevermore are the band who wrote "Dead Heart in a Dead World", "In Memory", "Matricide" and a lot of other songs which focus more on hope and optimism than being depressed.
Yeah, cause you know... if you listen to depressing music while you're depressed you start getting these thoughts... I mean when you look at a window you don't see the window as a thing, you just see yourself jumping out of it and plummeting 10 stories down ( this doesn't work if you live on the 1st or 2nd floor though ). And when you look at a knife, you don't see it an eating utensil, you just imagine taking it and slitting your wrists and throat and letting yourself slowly bleed out. And then if you get mighty drunk you might just kill yourself.
But if you listen to flowery music when you're depressed, the clouds go away and you see the sun, and you imagine yourself in a field with yellow and red flowers, dancing happily with rainbows and spreading love and peace...
:lol: You're a fucking asshole, Guerrilla, you know that? Excuse me while I go spread peace and love while skipping thru a field picking red and yello flowers... and listen to Type O Negative... They have some pretty, flowery happy songs, too.
shit girl, this depression is on a massive scale, did i speel it write.

The world is full of mirrorsReflecting the meaning of it allLike illumination through my city mirrorNow trapped on the other sideBackwards glimmerIncoming lightGiving back neon darknessThe surface swallows allYour joy is my painI am your mirrorLeft is not leftMy right is not your wrong.

this says it all

6. The Heart Collector

To see the actor without tears
Dark rivers carve the years between the lines of self control
In my psychotic karmic fear,I own your tears anyway
And I am you and we are not afraid

And we won't be here for long
The heart collector sings his song that's slowly boiling over

Nevermore to feel the pain
The heart collector sang
And I won't be feeling hollow for so long
Nevermore to feel the pain
The words fall out like fire
Just believe when you can't believe anymore

The stage is empty now
I hope we hold and cannot allow
the corrupt eclectic takes his fatal bow

And we won't be here for long
The heart collector sings his song again

Nevermore to feel the pain
The heart collector sang
And I won't be feeling hollow for so long
Nevermore to feel the pain
The words fall out like fire
Just believe when you can't believe anymore
The band will be so happy to hear that, you may ge the chance to give em the blowjob you always hoped for.
track 5 on At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul album makes me feel suicidal......i forgot the name of the song...makes me wanna die though.

into the dead sky!

thats the song

i want it played at my funeral....and maybe my wedding
Well, I never really get depressed from songs, or feel happy and flowery, but when I was listening to Chances Three one time, the phone rang and for some reason I responded in a stoned, gay hippy voice "House of Flowersss" So maybe some songs can fuck with your emotions, hmm?
Everything you ever wanted to know about silence by Glassjaw... That song'll fuck you up emotionally. Its so beautiful but very disturbing at the same time, it has a very unique sound. And the singer fucken pours his heart out without sounding like a pussy. Like right at the end.... 'scream, scream, scream, something, something, somthing, this is what its like to be alone, this is what its like to be alone'. Pretty fucken sad I must say but an awesome song. Check it out.
Hmmm...when I'm depressed, my favorite music to listen to is depressing stuff. Dreaming Neon Black is great for this; the reason is that it reminds me how much worse my life could be. Of course, it kinda makes me feel petty sometimes, but I generally cheer up.

That only works with music, however...depressing stories, etc. just make me more miserable. Like that "Don't drink and drive" thing just made me depressed, and somewhat naseous as well.
'into the dead sky' is good, but 'voice of the soul' by death is much better. makes me sad everytime i hear it. probably the only song that does that to me.