Nevermore POD?

The POD is great for demos or home recording stuff. It gives you a lot of tone options that most people can't afford (such as myself). But to get a nice professional sound you really need to use the real thing.
Last time I spoke with Loomis he was using POD live.. he had POD Pro through a Mesa power amp.. We discussed his sound and he mentioned that the POD was a bitch to dial in, took him weeks to get a live sound, and he still wanted to try a different power amp. He is also endorsed by Line6.
DracWell said:
Uhm, pod=bad?

Check out Meshuggah - Nothing and tell me that the sound suck.
Nothing probably is the best a pod has sounded for rhythms, but I'll take the DEI gutiar sound over Nothing any day. It still just sounds like a POD.
Yeah.. Boogie.. I picked a Dual Rect up 4 months ago.. Im still struggling with getting a decent sound out of it that doesnt get all muddy when we grind. In the end I found my cleanest and tightest heavy sound is my old Digitech RP-12 pedalboard pumping digital distortion through the Boogie's clean channel on pushed. I spent alot of money on this thing and Im still not happy.. :zombie: Then I talk to Jed Simon ( who once told me he hated boogie with a passion.. ) and he is endorsed and getting them for free.. bastard..

As for POD, Ive tried tweaking a Pod in studio for what seemed like days on end, and I never found a sound I was happy with. In the end we used it for some fills and overlayed guitar in a few spots.. But I couldnt imaging using such a lifeless machine as the main guitar sound on a whole album. Give me some stacked tube crunch!!
Get a tube screamer and use with gain down, tone according to taste, and level at 0. Will tighten all that muddy low end nicely. Use gain from pedal tiny bit, then use mainly amp gain.
Andy Sneap said:
Get a tube screamer and use with gain down, tone according to taste, and level at 0. Will tighten all that muddy low end nicely. Use gain from pedal tiny bit, then use mainly amp gain.

Thanks.. Ive been hunting for a Tube Screamer to borrow since you posted this, but I have yet to find one.. I might rent one. In the meantime I added EMG 81 to my guitar and that helps ALOT compared to the Seymour Duncan Full Shred I had in there before.
the TS9 I think, actually get the maxxon one if poss, this is the company that originally built them for Ibanez so their's is the original spec at an affordable (tho a little more expensive) price.
First of all, I'm new to the forum, so greetings everyone!

Now to my questions:

Andy, how exactly does a TS tighten up the sound? I would assume that it works like an EQ, meaning that it cuts the lows while boosting mids and treble. Is my assumption correct? If so, couldn't I just use a parametric EQ for the same effect? Or does the TS have other sound-characteristics that come into play?

Also, which other distortion-pedals can you recommend? (I was thinking along the lines of other, maybe more gain-intensive pedals by maxon or a Robert Keeley-modded DS-1. Experiences with those, anyone?)

A few more about compression:
Generally, which would you people recommend for pre-distortion compression: A high-quality stombox-compressor (à la Keeley compressor) or a good rack-(valve-)compressor? And does using compression after the gain-stage of my amp make sense?

A lot of questions for one post, I know. Would be great if you (Andy and everyone else here) could help me! Thanx in advance.