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IPAs are the best. :grin:
got a 22 o that in the fridge right now :kickass:
Hoegaarden is a really mediocre example of that style. There are many far better choices. Plus, its an AB-Inbev brand, that same company that owns Budweiser.

Yes, but Budweiser is a Czech beer, and the Budweiser in CR is AWESOME.

Personally, hoppy beers are crap. I really don't understand why people enjoy them. It doesn't taste good and it never will. When people say things like, "It's an acquired taste", what they really mean is, "I've drunk so much of it that I have overloaded my taste buds over the years so now they're simply dumbed down to flavor." Lots and lots of American beers are like this, even microbrews. I don't get it. If something doesn't taste good, why would you keep drinking it until it does? Bragging rights? An inflated sense of culture?

I just don't get the over-hoppy beer love. Back in the day when it first started to get more exposure, I remember a friend telling me, "Oh you'll love Samuel Adams!!! It doesn't taste anything like any other beer you've ever had!" That much was true; I didn't think anyone could make a worse beer than Natty Light or PBR, but I was proven wrong that day.

Granted, there are a bazillion beers much better than Sam Adams in the states, but I think about 75% of them are people suffering through the bitterness in silence, biting their tongues saying, "Yep...ugh...*wince*...that's good beer."
Yes, but Budweiser is a Czech beer, and the Budweiser in CR is AWESOME.

Thats because the budweiser in CR is a different beer brewed by a different company.

As for the hoppy beers, lots of people, such as myself actually enjoy them. It wasn't an acquired taste for me, when I started getting into beer pale ales and IPAs were the first thing I loved. Also LOL at mentioning sam adams as a hoppy beer.
Well, I'll stick to my Hoegaarden and Rochefort 10. Old English 40s when I'm broke. I drink to get drunk, not to taste beer. Otherwise I'd just drink soda.

Really, I'd take Grey Goose or Svedka vodka over beer anyday.
I drink to get drunk, not to taste beer.
ahh but IPA is superior in this aim as well! most IPAs are 7% or more, while hoegaarden is under 5% so you gotta drink more and pee more to get the same delicious drunken effects! and with beer every extra % abv feels like more, once you get into the 12% or so range shit gets you faded!

but seriously if you're just trying to get drunk beer is a waste of time/bladder space. when i was a big time drunk i didnt bother with it, now i actually enjoy the taste and a nice buzz. must be getting old :zombie:
Ah, this has turned into a beer discussion :D

Great Divide's Titan IPA is my favourite at the moment. Piney and awesome. The Swedish Oppigårds Amarillo is fantastic aswell.

Generally, I'd say the hoppier, the better, but there are some exceptions to that, of course.
The best IPA i've had was Russian River's Pliney the Younger, the bigger, more awesome and way more limited version of Pliney the Elder (which is also awesome). at like 11%, it goes down dangerously easy, and its oh so fucking tasty. One of the few uber-hyped beers that I've had that actually lived up to expectations. A+
Fuck beer for now I'm making lunch, I'm making Loco Moco, yes again! For those of you that have not partaken of this culinary cholesterol bomb of pure deliciousness you must try it... very simple and easy to make, you start with a mound of white rice or brown if you prefer, then top it with a burger patty (add chopped onions into the meat if you like) and then smother with brown gravy and finish it with a sunny side up egg .... it is unhealthy heaven my friends