NEVERMORE Singer: Found Out Via BLABBERMOUTH.NET That Guitarist And Drummer Quit

Probably not. I've tried things people said was good beer, and it wasn't awful, but I'd still rather drink some apple juice or something. :spin:

EDIT: I just noticed that your sig is beer. Haha.
most people dont like real, good beer at first either. it seems most kind of have to make liking beer a project for a little while before they genuinely enjoy it.
Yeah, I've heard that, I just don't have the dedication, but I'll drink it is it's all I've got to work with. I generally just drink mixed drinks. 7&7, Jack&Coke, schtuff like that. 4Loko. (that one's a joke)
most people dont like real, good beer at first either. it seems most kind of have to make liking beer a project for a little while before they genuinely enjoy it.

I don't really agree with that. I assume your view of real, good beer is of the hoppier sort, which may indeed take some getting use to.

There is however a plethora of craft beer styles that are both accessible and quality. Belgian ales are the best in this area, as are some American cream and Blonde ales.
FUCK ME. I love beer.

Just bought shares in a brewery, actually. Brewdog. AMAZING craft beer. They made The Tactical Nuclear Penguin, if some of you know it.

Shares are going through an equity programme. Let me know if any of you want involved.