NEVERMORE Singer: Found Out Via BLABBERMOUTH.NET That Guitarist And Drummer Quit

Also nicely shaped tits >>> big tits.

Spoken like someone with true class. :p

everyone knows how this board works by now. If you joined this board after 2005 or so, no one cares what you have to say.

I actually joined in 2003, but then it took so long for them to "activate" posting privileges that I just gave up trying and then after a few years the account became inactive to the point where it apparently no longer existed. Plus, at the time all anyone seemed to want to post about was food.
Ahh, Still waiting for the photos...Thank goodness for nun porn haha.
Check out a movie called Hesher perfecterror, for real (or neal)
Hesher is exactly like my brother.. until my dad pistol whipped him and put him in the hospital for 13 weeks lol. Good times.....

neal rules o.k

WTF is up with the fella above starting a post with WTF?

Yeah I'll get right on that! Sorry about your brother...I'm sure it made him stronger and stuff. ;)
*Now googling Nun porn and Hesher*
Just stop curseing people you don't even know.... It's far from our reach to understand what have happened for years and let to this point.
But the media lives for this kind of shit.... and we feed it.

I'll say whatever the fuck I want about Jeff and Van, thanks.

Jeff is one of the worlds best guitarist AND songwriters. But Van is not a fantastic drummer. He just isn't. He isn't innovative, he isn't creative, he doesn't even use his tom tom fills in a good way. He can play fast, but so what? So can everyone. The only cool things he ever did were the triplets with his bass drums.
The only cool things he ever did were the triplets with his bass drums.

I mostly agree about Vans playing, but... Is there a specific passage of these kick triplets that everyone always refers to?? People always say that about him, I just don't get it. :lol:

But also, yeah, calm the fuck down, Jesus Christ.
He's close to the best technical guitarist, but there are more skilled players. (Rusty Cooley, etc) People under estimate Jazz, it can be much harder to play than metal.

The things my Jazz teacher taught me was harder than any metal song I've ever learned. And not to brag or anything but I can play Seven Tongues of God which isn't exactly easy.
wait what? Cooley is all technicality no substance. don't get me wrong I liked Outworld...mostly because of Kelly Carpenter but it was still good music wise. But he isin't that great of a guitarist, just really fast.
I'll say whatever the fuck I want about Jeff and Van, thanks.
He is right though. You're all slagging people off you don't know, you're judging people based on hearsay (from Blabbermouth, of all sources!), and instead of just respecting the decisions made by WD, Jim, Jeff and Van, you all feel the need to voice your personal opinions on band problems you don't know shit about. None of you know anything that's happened inside the band or what has led to the problems. And none of you are better musicians than any member of NM, so seriously, do what reasonable people do and be sad that the band split up, but stay out of their private business.