El Stormo
M-hm, always liked Van's drumming too. Solid, powerful drumming in service to the song. Not always spectacular, but always reliable.
on band problems you don't know shit about.
Don't listen to these pussies, Det Som!
edit: oh shit, it's my 1991th post...better post something relevant to that.
You have the right to say what you want about their music, same way I have that right. I will never speak up against someone who praises or slams an album he legitimately bought.Kevin and Stormo aren't pussies, and they've been good friends to me. But when I pay money I work for and buy every Nevermore album, I have a right to say what I want about them.
Skill wise, yes. One of them. Songwriting? He's up there, but far from the best.
I'm listening to Blackfield. Simple, elegant riffs and chords with nice, melodic leads and accompanying piano. Pretty much the complete opposite of shred, which is precisely why shredding is for faggots.
I know why Smyth was fired because of what he did to the band. (Out of respect, I won't say what he did). I know a time Warrel had a panic attack during the filming of EOR. (Out of respect, I won't say why he had it.)
I may not have met the band personally, but I've met some people that have. (no one from this forum).
I can go on. So don't tell me that I don't know shit about this band. I love you, Stormo, you're a great guy, but you are provoking me and blowing my bad posting out of proportion. I have a right to say what I want about Nevermore, I own EVERY album of theirs and I have pictures to prove it.
Also, I'm dead sober right now.
I like Images & Words and Awake, there's some good songwriting combined with technicality on those. The rest of their discography, meh.