NEVERMORE Singer: Found Out Via BLABBERMOUTH.NET That Guitarist And Drummer Quit

Jeff Loomis: rhythm tighter than Hetfield, absurdly smooth legato, AMAZING vibrato, totally clean sweeping, godlike tone, and generally good feeling when he wants to be tasteful (which I'll admit, isn't as often as I'd like).
Rusty Cooley: excellent rhythm as well, explosive legato, unparalleled tremelo picking, awful vibrato, moderate feeling at best, RARELY tasteful.

There really is no comparison between the two whatsoever in terms of skill. Songwriting, Rusty's totally different, I'd never really try to compare the two in that department. But Rustey doesn't seem to put out as much filler type stuff as Jeff does, imho.
on band problems you don't know shit about.

I know why Smyth was fired because of what he did to the band. (Out of respect, I won't say what he did). I know a time Warrel had a panic attack during the filming of EOR. (Out of respect, I won't say why he had it.)

I may not have met the band personally, but I've met some people that have. (no one from this forum).

I can go on. So don't tell me that I don't know shit about this band. I love you, Stormo, you're a great guy, but you are provoking me and blowing my bad posting out of proportion. I have a right to say what I want about Nevermore, I own EVERY album of theirs and I have pictures to prove it.

Also, I'm dead sober right now.
Don't listen to these pussies, Det Som!

edit: oh shit, it's my 1991th post...better post something relevant to that.
Don't listen to these pussies, Det Som!

edit: oh shit, it's my 1991th post...better post something relevant to that.

Kevin and Stormo aren't pussies, and they've been good friends to me. But when I pay money I work for and buy every Nevermore album, I have a right to say what I want about them.
I met Jeff Loomis back when Chris Broderick was filling in. Jeff was one of the nicest people I've met. He was the only one in the band that took the time to hang out with me outside the bus for a little bit.
Kevin and Stormo aren't pussies, and they've been good friends to me. But when I pay money I work for and buy every Nevermore album, I have a right to say what I want about them.
You have the right to say what you want about their music, same way I have that right. I will never speak up against someone who praises or slams an album he legitimately bought.

But none of us have the right to throw judgment around about personal or intra-band issues. Despite what you think you know, it's all hearsay, and it's always one side of the story. Same about the whole Steve Smyth episode. I don't give a shit what he allegedly did, and neither should you. Fact is, Steve was a cool guy on stage (still is), and it's a shame that he had to go. The only people that have a right to speak out on personal issues of band members are the band members themselves. I'm not having a go at you personally here, John, quite a few people are acting disgracefully in this thread. Shit, if WD were to read this, what would he fucking think of you people bickering and beating their chests thinking they know everything about the private situation in the band when they don't, and don't even have any business knowing it!

Fact is, and always remains, you weren't there. The people in the band do NOT answer to you concerning their private business. Do the words "support music, not rumours" sound familiar to you? Christ, these threads are worse than the fucking tabloids!

Boobs will be posted later to alleviate the srs bzns of this post.
Skill wise, yes. One of them. Songwriting? He's up there, but far from the best.

Skillwise? Fuck no! He would have been maybe 20 years ago. Songwriting? Hard to judge, since that's a matter of personal preferences, but he's a great songwriter imo, with a great feel for melody. The thing that's really makes him special is, that he created a unique sound with Warrel, you can't underestimate that. I think he really is replaceable, but it's gonna be daaaaaamn hard.

And totally true what you said about Jazz, but there are unbelievable guitar players in every genre (I could even name an electro dance band).
I'm listening to Blackfield. Simple, elegant riffs and chords with nice, melodic leads and accompanying piano. Pretty much the complete opposite of shred, which is precisely why shredding is for faggots.

Any solo faster than Holy Wars or Ride the Lightning is simply showing off finger mechanics. There's really no reason to shred unless you're playing Paganini, and that's only because he had giantism and was (un)naturally gifted to that style of playing. At that point, you're not playing fast just to play fast, but because it's a piece written that way...and even then no one knows for sure. It's somewhat of a mystery surrounding Paganini because no one knows truly at what tempo it's supposed to be played. Some say it should be slower and some even say faster.

Seriously, think of the best solos in history (Time by Pink Floyd) and then think how much shredding is in each one. I'd be surprised if even one shredder made the list. Shredding is impressive in the same way that it's impressive that someone can suck his own dick; sure you wish you could be able to do it too but there are tons of other things you'd rather be doing anyway, :lol:.
I'm listening to Blackfield. Simple, elegant riffs and chords with nice, melodic leads and accompanying piano. Pretty much the complete opposite of shred, which is precisely why shredding is for faggots.

Shredding is one of many guitar techniques. It got a certain sound and so it can give a song or a solo something unique. I don't see anything faggy in that. But alot of guitar players tend to play nothing else, and ... yeah ... that's annoying and proves a bad taste, imho.
It's not inherently bad, but if you set out to "learn to shred" instead of learning to play and write, then imho you're already on the wrong path.

Call me a purist, but the song is of utmost importance in contemporary music, and there are very, very, very few songs I've found which call for balls-to-the-wall shredding, a la Malmsteen.

Shredding isn't just sweeping...I mean, the solo in Opeth's "When" is a beautiful solo and it's got a nice little sweep at the beginning that adds just the right touch to the song. I'm not against sweeping or insanely fast legato or tapping and's just when they're used in a song for the sole purpose of saying, "Look at me! I'm fast!" is when I find it utterly and completely atrocious.
Well, me (as a die hard shredder :)): I never sit hours on the guitar to play faster than anybody else, I practiced, so I can play the licks and solos, of whose sound I loved, and I loved the sound of fucking fast guitar runs. So, what I wanna say: There are people, who love the sound of fucking fast guitars, while other people think it's inappropiate or annoying. Once again: personal preferences.

Edit: Stop editing your posts, while I'm trying to answer them!!!

Yeah, "Look at me, I'm fast" sucks.
What's funny is one guitar player I always thought was pretty balanced was John Petrucci...but people on the anti-shred wagon will detest him as well. There are some Dream Theater solos that are played slow and sound great that way...there are some that have the shred and the slow playing, which I tend to like the best and there are some which are just shredding. Another Day is a good example of a great solo, Peruvian Skies is another great solo. He's an example that you can shred and still also add slower playing to your style. Why not have both Dave Gilmour solos and shred solos? Best of both worlds in my opinion. Whatever calls for it.
I know why Smyth was fired because of what he did to the band. (Out of respect, I won't say what he did). I know a time Warrel had a panic attack during the filming of EOR. (Out of respect, I won't say why he had it.)

I may not have met the band personally, but I've met some people that have. (no one from this forum).

I can go on. So don't tell me that I don't know shit about this band. I love you, Stormo, you're a great guy, but you are provoking me and blowing my bad posting out of proportion. I have a right to say what I want about Nevermore, I own EVERY album of theirs and I have pictures to prove it.

Also, I'm dead sober right now.

I like Images & Words and Awake, there's some good songwriting combined with technicality on those. The rest of their discography, meh.

Awake is a masterpiece.

The first two songs on Six Degrees (Glass Prison and Blind Faith), are also flawless.

Don't like anything else except Change of Seasons.