Fuck "metalhead culture", fuck "stoner culture", that shit's for assholes, seriously.


wait. metal is for assholes? that's a bit harsh, still most metal heads are douches :D
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Metal isn't for assholes, just IME most if not all "metalhead" type people are dickbags

This thread lacks the definition of "metalhead". Is it just someone who listens to metal? Is it someone who looks like he listens to metal? Is it someone who acts like metal (whatever that is)? Is it a 15-year-old kid with a bob haircut, camo-pants and Ensiferum-shirt?

In an empirical point of view I'd say 90% of under 20-year-old "metalheads" are "omgomgomg beer and metal is teh best thing in the world rap sucks!!!1"-retards, but older than that are usually little more "normal" people, who realize you don't need all your bullet belts, chains and rivet wristbands when you go to store to buy milk. But I think this applies to most sub-cultures.

And on-topic: In Flames and Arch Enemy suck cock + Angela is ugly, and shitty vocalist.
I love the new Arch Enemy shit but the In Flames is a total snoozefest. Sounds like I'm listening to techno with some guitars thrown in to make it heavy.