The following article is in the latest issue of Revolver magazine. Not much that we don't already know and, obviously not completely up to date, but, anyway ...

There’s a house 60 miles north of Helsinki, Finland. It’s in the middle of the woods, surrounded by trees, snow drifts, more trees, drifts of snow, and, oh yeah, some snow. It’s not The Shining’s Overlook Hotel, but Alexi Laiho and his cohorts in Children of Bodom have nonetheless spent the last few weeks turning it into a scene of unbridled brutality.
The house, it turns out, is home to Petrax Studios, and that’s where Children of Bodom are recording their as-yet-untitled new album with producer Mikko Karmilla. It’s ideal for an admitted perfectionist like Laiho; completely isolated and free of distractions, there’s nothing to do but focus on the job at hand. “Peace and quiet, man!” he says. “In the woods, you don’t need to do shit except concentrate on the music.”
Well, that and drink.
“We drink a lot of booze,” the frontman confirms. “But only when the work’s finished! It hurts in the morning, but that doesn’t matter as long as you can play your parts. You never use a hangover as an excuse not to do your job.”
Laiho promises that the new record’s already shaping up to be “a punch in the face. It’s faster than our last record, and much fucking harder.”
But he says it’s also a lot more complicated than 2005’s Are You Dead Yet? That record found Bodom - exploring a stripped-down sound full of old-school thrash riffs.
“This time, we wanted to make things more difficult,” says Laiho. “So I’ve been including some progressive sounds. Not in an annoying way, though; if we do progressive music, we want people to actually listen to it. We won’t become a Depeche Mode cover band. If we ever get tired of playing metal, that’s the end of Children of Bodom.”
Laiho won’t divulge many of the new album’s secrets, but he says that curious fans can check out the track “Tie My Rope”, which will be on the new record but is also available on Bam Margera’s Viva La Bands compilation.
Another new song, called Roadkill Morning, is about “the worst fucking hangover you’ve ever had,” says Laiho. “On tours and shit, we’d get wasted every single night. I asked one of our friends, ‘How’re you feeling?’, and he was like, ‘I feel like fucking roadkill!”
Laiho credit’s a more relaxed writing and recording schedule - five months - as one of the reasons he was able to explore so many diverse styles of music. It’s also helped him to preserve his own peace of mind. “Working on Are You Dead Yet? was pure hell,” he says. “We rehearsed all day, then I’d come home and start fucking around with the guitar and a four track until 6 am. Then I’d wake up and do it all again until I was completely wrecked. This time, it was really laid back, and that allowed me to be more creative.”
Children of Bodom plan on spending much of 2008 - and 2009, for that matter - on the road. They have festival dates scheduled in Europe and will spend the summer in Japan. There are also some big plans for the United States, but, after a quick discussion with his manager, Laiho decides to keep them to himself. “For one thing, I don’t want to spoil what will be a completely fucking cool announcement,” he says. “And, I’m not sure I’m allowed to say anything yet, and I don’t want to stupidly fuck it up!”
“But we’ll be on the road for a long time,” he promises. “I love it. I’m burning up right now; I need to get back out there, fast. With Are You Dead Yet? we toured for two years, so we’re used to this type of schedule. It’s our job. But more than that, it’s a really rewarding experience. We’re going all over Europe, we’re going to Japan. And then the United States - it’s such an enormous country, you’re not going to get through it all in just a year. I can’t fucking wait!”
None of your business. Track 8 is longest, but not sure if it's the Slow one. I think track 4 is the slow one. And I'm not wrong usually, so..
Try to be less pretentious, hating the world for what you are isn't a solution.

Probably the most interesting titles CoB ever made, I'm more awaiting the album now they gave them. "One Day You Will Cry" is kinda stupid, cliché and "rebellious-teenage-hardcore", but the other ones sound like Hypocrisy, quite cool.
Try to be less pretentious, hating the world for what you are isn't a solution.

I knew you were retarded but this confirms it. Gtfo my eyes.

Probably the most interesting titles CoB ever made, I'm more awaiting the album now they gave them. "One Day You Will Cry" is kinda stupid, cliché and "rebellious-teenage-hardcore", but the other ones sound like Hypocrisy, quite cool.

How do you like the title LoBodomy? :)

One Day You Will Cry is a cool song title in my opinion. It tells how you feel bad after realizing your acting has hurt people. It's a sucky feeling, more so than being hurt yourself.
They have festival dates scheduled in Europe and will spend the summer in Japan. There are also some big plans for the United States, but, after a quick discussion with his manager, Laiho decides to keep them to himself.
All festival's in europe are in june/july/august and that is summer. Or am i wrong?
They are confirmed for wacken, and that is in the beginning of august.
I knew you were retarded but this confirms it. Gtfo my eyes.
What, you son of a bitch ? Can't stand people telling you you're gay ? Assume now.

How do you like the title LoBodomy? :)
I don't like this title, I say it, if Laiho comes to my house with the whole band to ask me to say it in front of him, I'll tell him, because liberty of opinion includes things not nice to hear. I'm not gonna say they're divine and perfect just to please them. This title is emo, the others are cool, I wait for the album, and to shock everybody, AYDY is my favorite all-time album, point.
@Hellx: thank you for writing that down, I really appreciate :)
@juoppo: hellhounds

:lol: at Lobodomy, sounds more like Kylähullut song.


I must agree, :kickass:

IMO songtitles are cool. One Day You Will cry is a bit EMO; but as long as the song is good I don't care.

Something I want to bring to the table is a thought that is spinning around my mind this days: could be possibly already have the slow song of the album? I'll explain myself: Blooddrunk is suposed to be a fast album, and Tie My Rope hasn't a really high tempo, so,as I said, could Tie My Rope be the slow ong of the album??
Why are people acting weird over the song titles? Hypocrisys album " virus" had some 'emo' lyrics, but the album kicked ass. I didnt know people got on the rag once a tracklist comes out. I think the album will kick ass.

Joonas, you seem like a total faggot by the way.
Well, seeing that made my day, especially Alexi's comments about LoBodomy. My only problem the song lengths still don't add up to a long album, but thats the only real problem I've ever had with them anyway, so I wasn't expecting otherwise.
I think we need a WAY more active Webmaster to this board.

Me too, because that would mean less of you. I can still check the damn site, me being banned just means I don't have to basically draw a picture for you to show what an ass you are. I've never seen a positive post from you, and you just generally seem like a dork. It seems like most of the other members think of you as an old joke, too. Have a decent day, I'm sorta done wasting time with you. :Smug:
Me too, because that would mean less of you. I can still check the damn site, me being banned just means I don't have to basically draw a picture for you to show what an ass you are. I've never seen a positive post from you, and you just generally seem like a dork. It seems like most of the other members think of you as an old joke, too. Have a decent day, I'm sorta done wasting time with you. :Smug:

You can't see the real me. Right when you look at that dog at my avatar you adapt the stereotype that I'm just an angry fool bashing everyone here. Truth is I'm an intelligent human and one of the biggest COB fans ever and I say interesting things. If you don't see it, I can't help you. I wish there was a board with just cool people but there isn't, which is why I have to tolerate with all kinds of people here.