New album info, french video clip & ancient mp3

Nt3N said:
insignificunt is cool to me.. different from all other dt titles, but still original.. it sounds really metalcore though... anyway titles don't make songs, so no worries about that :)

Amen! :Saint:

I'd be disturbingly surprised if the word "cock" surfaced :heh: But with this...

Almighty Sundin said:
laid back acoustic sections to furious blastbeats

...I'm having multiple simultaneous orgasmic eruptions already. I truly am. Oh yeah.
from the official:

"Shockwaves through the ether!
We just got informed that the show from last year's Gates of metal festival will be re-aired on the Swedish national radio P3. The date for this skullcrushing audio feast is June the 6th, and the performance can also be enjoyed online. More info on the broadcast will follow later on."