New Album Opinion

StevenK said:
im a deadly cook
and yes, i have to agree, the new album is excellent, i didnt know whether to start a thread on it or not because i didnt know how many people had a copy. so here's the thread...

i love listening to it before bed, as with lights out
Ah so you cook hey ste mmmm interesting ;) :grin: i like ppl who can cook
my arse, only if hes in a band only if hes in a band a la band, sing sing sing, can you sing? yes, are you in a band? yes, wow, i love you!
breaklose said:
hes not playing on the album and I AM.

Oooo yeap I know!N congratz too for ur work both in Planetary confinement and Breaklose,really great works both.I just said that cos Duncan said Danny will come now in the band.I know he didnt play of course.
Bastet said:
you've met the band???? :o

yep i have, and let me yell at you as a matter of fact, tis something im quite proud of. will live with it for the rest of my life.

beat dat yis kants! :Puke: