NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Artwork is kinda meh, but a new COB album always gets me pumped up, hope the boys don’t disappoint although both Alexi’s and Henkka’s comments seem to be “force fed-what the fans want to hear” stuff.

Then again, last time I had that feeling they shot Ugly out of a cannon, so can’t wait for the new album.
Remember? FB Q&A in February:
" Song 2 is Henka's favourite. "
- > second song: Under Grass and Clover

" Song 7 is Alexi's favourite. "
- > Hexed

" Song 4 is Alexi's second favourite and will be the slowest in the album. It will also be quite different. The "working title" for the song is "The beginning a Northern man" (but of course title changes). "
- > Hecate’s Nightmare

" Song 6 is Alexi's third favourite "
- > Platitudes and Barren Words

" Janne's favourite song is currently named "Downtown Salieri" and will be the one with the neoclassical part. He stated that this song has a "really difficult keyboard rythm". "
- > Well... it seems renamed :D
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Album Title, Tracklist etc.: December 11, 2010
First song (Was It Worth It?): January 01, 2011
Pre-order: February 04, 2011
Released: March 08, 2011!


Album Title, Tracklist etc.: March 19, 2013
Pre-order: April 30, 2013
First song (Transference): May 03, 2013
Released: May 29, 2013 (Japan); June 07, 2013 (Europe)!


Album Title, Tracklist etc.: June 08, 2015
Pre-order: June 19, 2015
First song (Morrigan): July 10, 2015
Released: October 02, 2015!


Album Title, Tracklist etc.: November 28, 2018
Pre-order: December 07, 2018
First song: ??? ( December ???, 2018 ? )
Released: March 08, 2019!
I like the artwork, it's oldschool but different from what they have done before. That makes me very excited and hopefull that the album will sound more like their first 3, although I guess it won't apart from a few songs. As long as it's good I don't mind if they take a new direction.
The artwork means absolutely shit, just read how they had it made. I do like it, mind you, but this is the last thing which makes me excited about the music.

As regards the album... Well I was excited after HOB, and then I was shocked how they could record something like IWC after such a great album. So now I don't have any high expectations TBH :(

BTW, isn't it a story every time, that one of them says "some people said it sounds more like the old COB", we get excited and then we get Blooddrunk or IWC? Like it was an obligatory, PR statement with every album regardless of its actual character...
Didn't Joonas the Great guess the purple colour? Full artwork is much better btw. Under Grass and Clover sounds folkish, good.
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Didn't Joonas the Great guess the purple colour? Full artwork is much better btw. Under Grass and Clover sounds folkish, good.

The band told us it was purple in a Facebook QA earlier on in the year. Knuckleduster was guessed aswell as Henkka said in an interview maybe a year ago they wanted to re-record it for a new album.
Wish they kept the entire artwork instead of selecting that portion, the whole piece looks cooler. My first thought before I saw the whole thing was “kinda looks like they cropped half the picture out”. Definitely different artwork though, I like it, has an old school vibe.

The artwork and song titles seem totally different from what they’ve done in the past, not sure what to make of it. Some song titles sound awesome, some sound like a 2000’s emo band. Not sure what to expect at all really until we get a single.

Alexi says progressive, jazzy, catchier... none of those styles go together, so it’s anyone’s guess as to how it sounds. Excited for a single.
It''s weird (both the artwork and song titles) but if the music is good then it's fine. Witchcraft theme, seems like. "The four-leaf clover is a very famous good luck charm believed to protect from evil spirits, witches, disease, and the evil eye." Also hex and Hecate, but I'm not aware what the glass house is about. Relapse is about falling back into addiction like alcohol, but that song is obviously about the Bodom mystery. I hope they release a version without the live shit and old Knuckleduster. Different song titles from anything they've had before, I can't understand how anyone can come up with that kind of titles sober. It's maybe got some really weird musical stuff in it. The titles are not in your face in the bodomish way, they're more like stoner doom, black, folk, emo, punk and such. I like the foggy lake Bodom with the small moon on the side.
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It''s weird (both the artwork and song titles) but if the music is good then it's fine. Witchcraft theme, seems like. "The four-leaf clover is a very famous good luck charm believed to protect from evil spirits, witches, disease, and the evil eye." Also hex and Hecate, but I'm not aware what the glass house is about. Relapse is about falling back into addiction like alcohol, but that song is obviously about the Bodom mystery. I hope they release a version without the live shit and old Knuckleduster. Different song titles from anything they've had before, I can't understand how anyone can come up with that kind of titles sober. It's maybe got some really weird musical stuff in it. The titles are not in your face in the bodomish way, they're more like stoner doom, black, folk, emo, punk and such. I like the foggy lake Bodom with the small moon on the side.
Well as kids we would go out looking for four leaf clovers. (For good luck) not sure if that’s just a U.K. tradition. Hecate is some sort of Greek god as well (triplehecate)

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

Alexi has definitely bought himself some sort of Celtic mythology book over the past few years (morrigan, widdershans etc.)
^Yep he's been reading about witchcraft and such mythology. It's good cos it's been an underlying element in their original music. Hecate, Kali (and Lilith) are the most important personifications of black magic or witchcraft obviously.
I like the concept of the artwork but the artist could have done more with it. The COB logo should have been bigger. Overall it gives the impression of a mature band, as do the song titles. I'm all for live songs, in fact I want another live album, given that Bodom's live sound usually is devastating, but...IWC and Morrigan, c'mon, with all the stuff they've been playing lately, they pick two less interesting songs from their previous album. That's just dumb. Not crazy about the idea that the new songs are or seem to be simpler but then I like hearing that there's some crazy technical shit there.
I don't like the scythe, but maybe the purpose of the artwork is to look a bit stoner and immature, making it spooky in some sense. I'd like to know the symbolism of the glass house. It's like the popular artwork of the reaper holding the Earth on his hand. It's cave painting'esque, but I like the left side with the foggy lake and small white dot which I think is a distant moon. What is on the reaper's head? And why is there 2013 on roman numerals on the full art? As long as the music is good I don't care. If the music if good then the artwork is bold, if the music is bad then the artwork is careless. The scythe on IWC wasn't well done either, but the artwork in itself was great, just they made it too yellow as opposed to orange/dark.
I liked the yellow coloring on the IWC cover, just the placement of the tree kinda annoys me. It's too thick also. But the reaper looked awesome.
And this new album cover. Idk why but I was expecting something Blooddrunk kinda thing, purple of course, that there's a lot of movement in it. This one that they actually used, I don't know how to explain it, I don't like the artist's style very much bc I really would like it to be more realistic, but I like the mood in the picture a lot anyway. Maybe because I am a painter too I pay attention to different things like for example the fingers could have been better done the hands look terrible in my opinion :D But overall I like how it isn't like all the other cover arts and it really does give me a 90's black metal vibe and that's something that makes me excited. Bodom's music has always been purple to me so this artwork works!
As I said before though I'm not really expecting a return to anything, just a new album with it's own distinct style. And well if this artwork is any kind of a hint then I think I'm gonna get what I'm expecting.

And I think I saw someone say it before but some of the song titles make me think of emo/post hardcore bands lol. Pierce the Veil and My Chemical Romance. :D I don't think that's the direction they'll be taking but I used to listen to that stuff a lot at some point :D
sydneysin: "Just another reason to love my job. @alexilaiho.official came in today and it was such a cool experience working with such a humble and talented person. Be sure to check out new album coming out next year."



For me it's kinda like the concept idea is taken from the first Sinergy album cover. Anyway, not my favourite but better than Blooddrunk and RRF those two were just too modern for my taste. The recent best is definitely HOB .
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