NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

What is there similar to Sinergy except purple colour? Everybody knew it had to be purple this time (at least I did).
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It's not even the same color. If you wanna see what's really mimicing then check Paradise Lost making a similar artwork to Uncle Acid recently.
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My day at work tomorrow will feel like it takes forever... Excited as fuck to hear the new song and see if my memory about hearing it is any close to how it actually is lol
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Can't wait to see if this fulfills our expectations. Based solely on the tracks' name, it was the one I had the most hopes for. And now I learn that this is going to be the first single ? AMAZING !
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if someone wants to listen to a new track, write me a private message

Thanks! The new song is..... i don't know... meh. I thought it would be better. Maybe... too simple. Ah.... :( And Alexi's voice is again "distorted" ( like RRF first song: "Was It Worth It?" ).
For the voice I also thought of 'Was It Worth It?' at first, but it's a lot more black metal at times. The music though, while simple is simply FANTASTIC. I am so fucking in love with the song already.
And I so understand the 'This is different, but it's still Bodom' part. It really has a different, more mature vibe, but it's still 100% Bodom. I honestly couldn't be more pleased.
Thanks! The new song is..... i don't know... meh. I thought it would be better. Maybe... too simple. Ah.... :( And Alexi's voice is again "distorted" ( like RRF first song: "Was It Worth It?" ).
There is too much distortion on the voice like Was It Worth it. But the atmosphere and sound is similar to HALO OF BLOOD
The beginning half sounds like RRF/IWC mixed, and the second half like HOB. The riff before the solo has an old school vibe though. Not sure what to make of it or what it says for the album.
I just realised that I paid really little attention to the solo on the first few listening. What a mistake... One of the most beautiful solo's from Bodom in a long time. Espectially loved the part after the sweet which is really reminding me of the solo of Next In Line
Hey motherfuckers, I just logged in to tell you that Joonas still sucks (unlike his mom - she was great tonight) and that the new song sounds like shit. The guitar tone is terrible, the composition 5 steps back towards Blooddrunk, the solos are horrible and Alexis voice is horrendous.